I am sure that you have thought about buying a mailing list at some point in your business. Or maybe you have already done so. If you havenft, you will eventually come across advertisements that read: g2,000,000 email addresses for $29.99.

Click in the other direction quickly!

Sure, having 2,000,000 subscribers is the best thing that could ever happen to any company especially an internet marketer. But this often is too good to be true.

What many beginning marketers do not really know is that these bulk companies harvest the email addresses using robots and other wares on the Internet. That is how the 2,000,000 email addresses come about, whatever the amount is.

Now, the really awful part is that if you purchase the so-called 2,000,000 names even at a low price, not only is it a waste of money, you are risking being accused of spamming. It is no longer a surprise how you often receive spam mails on Viagra, OEM Software and things you do not even need in your inbox.

How useful is a lead that has never heard of you and is feeling a bit angry since you are spamming them!

On top of that, not all 2,000,000 email addresses are really in use because a portion of them can either be owned by the same owners or are just completely obsolete.

So next time you are thinking of purchasing these lists, tell yourself that it is a waste of money.

Author's Bio: 

I am an Administrative & Marketing Virtual Assistant with more than ten years of experience. My extensive Administrative skills and Marketing background, partnered with my understanding of a business ownerfs struggle, allows me to be a successful facilitator for communicating client requirements. In such a crazy market place, professionalism and communication are key characteristics to providing sanity and productivity in your business.

Visit us online at http://www.ondemandvirtualservices.com to take advantage of our interactive web presence with free tools & resources for your business success!