It's hard to find any woman who doesn’t understand the meaning when you talk about "pushing" all the time. Pushing to get more done. Pushing to get more done faster. Pushing to be more, do more, have more. Pushing to feel more love, more secure, and more successful as a woman, mother, wife, employee, boss, and on….

Time spent in the home triggers feelings of needing to accomplish the 100's of tasks that are there waiting for you to get done. The family you love needs more of your time. The pets need to be walked and played with. The kids need to be engaged. The friends that need to talk about their problems.

Time at work triggers the feelings of pushing to get the long list of back logged items waiting for you to complete them. There are deadlines to meet and no one cares if you have the time or resources. And so often in today's world you have to do the work of two or more people because your company keeps cutting back.

Your body needs your attention, it is calling for more rest, more exercise, more quality food. It wants you to slow down and take a break. You feel the need to push more to do more for your body, trying your best to make it feel better.

This list could go on and on and on! Even if you don't identify with all of it, what woman doesn't know some of it? We all have so much we want to do and to give, but the list to do and give and accomplish is longer than any one person will ever be able to accomplish.

So we push. And then we learn that to create the reality we desire we need to be allowing, not pushing. How do you do that? How do you shift a lifetime of pushing into a life of allowing everything you want and need to just come to you?

Does that statement not make you laugh? How ironic is it that everything we've been trying to create by pushing to get it done has really been working against us? How did it happen that women became so focused on pushing through life, that they missed the life lesson that to allow life to flow to you was the better, easier, and more effective way to live?

Who wouldn't have signed up for that lesson at age 10 and willingly have given up the stress, strain, and pain of a lifetime of pushing?

The good news? You are free to shift gears, coast more,
and just let go… you feel any relief in that idea?

How to Allow:

Here are a few tips on how to begin to shift from pushing to allowing. You can't make the jump all at once, but you can slowly begin to loosen your grip and just start to let a little go…..

1. When you make your "to do" lists, only put on the list what you can actually accomplish and still have a little time left over. If no one is bleeding or starving, there's very little that can't wait until another day.

2. Make the decision you can't be everything to everyone. A great quote: "Your crisis is not my crisis."

3. Practice saying NO when you want to say no. If you are afraid what others will think, let them think what they want. They are only creating in their world. Anything they think, say, or do only affects their life. You are the creator of your world. When you say yes and want to say no, you've just signed up for more stuff in life you don't want to experience. They will survive without you, they always do. Haven't you noticed the ones who "need" you the most seem to be the ones who have the most selfish lives ever! Follow their example, this life is yours and yours alone.

4. You can choose between getting it done perfectly or just getting it done. Not everything has to be "perfect" every time. Yes, that is true!

5. Allow your self that extra few moments reading, thinking, daydreaming, or just vegging out. It's good for you. It is renewing you. And when you feel good you are creating good stuff for you so say yes to those extra moments of good quiet time!

This is just a short list of ideas to begin to let go of the pushing feeling within.
It will be easier to feel in your body when you are pushing, there is always tension in our bodies to let us know we're pushing and not allowing.

Allow your self to feel joy and peace every day! The more the better. It's hard to accept that allowing the feeling of joy is more productive than running the extra errand or signing up for another committee. But we create with our energy, thoughts, and feelings.

Somehow life got turned around but the good news is we can all reverse the flow from pushing against to allowing it in. And that will feel awesome!

Author's Bio: 

Jill Bertelli is the creator of, a website for women to know their personal power. She is a licensed clinical social worker and a certified fitness trainer. She has worked with people for over 25 years in many aspects of personal growth. Jill specializes in teaching women to become fully self-empowered through physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual avenues.