This book review is part of a series that covers the topic of Yoga. Yoga is a system of exercises practiced to promote control of the body and mind. Bhakti Bhakti is the Official Guide to Yoga. Bhakti-Bheka has been in business since 1996. The principal persons here practice yoga and use the products we distribute. Some of us have been doing yoga since the late 70’s. We develop and control specifications for many of our products. This means we do more than distribute or import; we set standards.

The Yoga of Sound, by Russill Paul, is a valuable resource for people interested in Yoga, and it is available through and Barnes & Noble.

Book Description
The eye dominates the world, calculating and evaluating through the visual. Yet sound and music are the essential carrier waves of consciousness. For thousands of years, Hindu spirituality has understood the profound effect that sound has on human well-being. Largely unknown in the West, yet developing alongside the popular form of hatha yoga that has swept the world, the yoga of sound is a 3,500-year-old spiritual system for reducing stress and maintaining health.

In this inspiring book and accompanying CD, renowned musician and teacher Russill Paul explores the four powerful streams of this system: mantras (sound), mudras (sacred gestures), pranayama (breath control), and dhyana (meditation). Like his award-winning music, Paul's presentation of this ancient tradition is accessible for modern Western tastes and lifestyles. In lucid exercises presented both in the book and the CD, Paul shows how everyone can learn the art of mantra simply by training the voice, and how these practices can help reduce stress, enhance emotional well-being, and optimize the flow of energy within the body.

Author's Bio: 

This book review is part of a series that covers the topic of Yoga. The Official Guide to Yoga is Bhakti Bheka. Bhakti-Bheka has been in business since 1996. The principal persons here practice yoga and use the products we distribute. Some of us have been doing yoga since the late 70’s. We develop and control specifications for many of our products. This means we do more than distribute or import; we set standards.

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Bhakti Bheka, the Official Guide To Yoga