In the province of the mind, what one believes to be true either is true or becomes true. John Lilly.

The mind is an incredibly powerful thing. If you believe (and I mean truly believe) you can do something then your subconscious will work to make it fact.

You obviously believe in your business and in yourself or you wouldn't have started it in the first place. But do you have that internal negative voice sometimes? You know the one that undermines your positive beliefs, tries to tell you that you won't succeed, that someone else out there is better than you, that clients won't want what you offer or that you're no good at marketing or sales or whatever? Let's see what we can do about that.

What I'd like you to do for a moment is concentrate on your main goal for your business. Close your eyes and take yourself forward to the time when you have achieved it, when your business (and accordingly your lifestyle) is everything you want it to be. Stay there for a minute or two and really drink it in. Take note of what you can see, hear and feel.

Ask yourself:
• What strengths did I and my business have back in March 2008 which enabled me to get to this point?

Now come back to the present and keep hold of those positive thoughts.

We all hold Empowering Beliefs. These are the beliefs which we hold as fact and which empower us to move forwards towards our goals. Some of them we know and can list straight away. Others may surprise us when we encourage our subconscious to come forward with them. All of them are extremely powerful and make a huge difference to the outcome of all our endeavours.

When you express an Empowering Belief the sentence would typically start 'I am...' or 'I can...'

Basing your list on your answer to the bullet pointed question above, write down now 5 Empowering Beliefs you have about your business. What are its strengths? What does it do for your clients? 'It is... what?' 'It can... what?' 'It does...what?'

Once again basing your list on your answer to the question, write down now 5 Empowering Beliefs you have about yourself which will enable you to get your business to that main goal. 'I am...?' 'I can...? 'I'm great at...?' 'My XYZ skills are superb'. Don't worry if you think it might sound big-headed to anyone else. What's important is that you believe that you have this strength, ability or knowledge.

That's a great start!

Now over the next 2 weeks commit to expanding these lists. Yes it is possible! Every day over the next 2 weeks add at least one new Empowering Belief to your two lists. Your goal is to end up 2 weeks from today with at least 9 Empowering Beliefs about your business or business idea and at least 15 Empowering Beliefs about yourself and your ability to get that business wherre you want it to go.

So each day ask - 'What Else?'

Ask other people what they think. Ask family and friends, and ask clients. When someone else says something good about you or your business they wouldn't say it unless it were true would they? So you can easily take that on as a belief of your own - right?

This is really powerful stuff and can cause a mental shift that will take you shooting forwards. We will follow up with it and take it to the next stage in the next article - Believe You Can Do It - Part 2.

© Emma Wortt of Em-powering U, March 2008

Author's Bio: 

Emma Wortt is a qualified Professional Coach and NLP Practitioner. She runs her business Em-powering U to coach and support those who have started or who want to start their own small business. Em 'em-powers' her clients to breakthrough psychological barriers that are holding them back, and to discover and maintain the motivation; belief; confidence; time; effective goal setting, organization, communication and presentation skills that will enable them to take their business or business idea from where it is now to where they want it to be. You can find out more at