Do you have a back pain wish for Christmas? Will Santa help you get rid of your back pain for 2008? Well, Christmas is coming…

Here are some simple tips you can apply to help your back pain ease and make Christmas and the New Year a happier time. After all, running around and enjoying the festive season is what this time of year is all about.

So what can you do to help ease your back pain….

Tip 1: Ice and Heat

If you have suddenly experienced back pain, then in the first 48 hours use ice. Place ice on the area for 10 minutes, take it off for 10 minutes and then repeat the process 2 more times.

After 48 hours do the same if pain is still present, but intersperse the ice with heat for 10 minutes and finish with 10 minutes of heat.

Pain can ease dramatically doing this.

Tip 2: Stretch Gently

The most common cause of back pain is tight muscles. Stretching is an ideal way to ease their tension. But stretch gently…

Being aggressive in your stretches will not ease muscle tension. You should only stretch to the point where your muscle feels tight not painful. If you stretch to far then the muscle will tighten immediately after you stop doing the stretch.

So being gentle is the key!

Tip 3: Stretch Correctly

The correct way to stretch is not a method – it is a how, what and when. You need to know the best way how to stretch, the best muscles to stretch and the best time to stretch.

Most people fail to effectively release muscle tension and remove back pain because they do not cover these 3 essential stretching issues.

Tip 4: Strengthen Muscles

Where there is a tight muscle there is an opposite muscle that is weak. Stretching only the tight muscles will not rebalance the area. You need to also improve the nerve and blood supply to the muscles that are weak.

This is not achieved by doing exercise. Exercise alone will not improve the strength of muscles. What little extra strength you gain will rapidly evaporate as soon as you either ease up on exercising or if you over load your muscles and joints.

Tip 5: Joints Need to Move

There are 3 causes of back pain – tight muscles, weak muscles and joint disruption.

To completely and permanently eliminate back pain you need to address all 3. Leave one of these out of the equation and back pain will return. Usually it will return more aggressively and more severely – especially as you age.

There are many simple ways you can make sure your joints move like a well oiled machine. These can be used at home and take only a few minutes to do each day.

Tip 6: New Years Resolution

Make 2008 a year without back pain. Learn the many simple ways to eliminate back pain and the many effective ways to prevent it.

The statistics are frightening – 80% of adults have back pain at some stage; 50% of you reading this have back pain now; over 90% of adults wait until back pain is severe before they seek advice or help; over 95% of back pain will ease with simple techniques if you address the issues early (within the first week or two); chronic back pain is just as easy to help as acute back pain – but requires you to break the cycle or habit of your back pain for permanent relief.

So start 2008 with a resolution to learn to remove your back pain once and for all. Become a part of the better side of the statistics – 20% of adults don’t have back pain – now you can become one of these people.

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