2008 marks a real Energetic Shift for us because we have a significant number of planets beginning to travel through Earth signs. Jupiter (the Planet of Luck & Expansion) entered Capricorn on December 19th, 2007...& will travel through Capricorn for the entire year in 2008. Jupiter’s journey through Capricorn suggests that our expansion comes most from honoring the Practical side of life. We are able to Expand upon our Ambitions. This is a year to Lay the Groundwork that is needed to help us Achieve our Goals (both personally & for our planet).
Pluto (Dwarf Planet of Transformation) also enters Capricorn this year on January 25th, 2008. This transit marks the beginning of a Massive Structural Upheaval in Politics…a deep process that goes until the end of 2024…worldwide.
When Jupiter & Pluto conjunct in any sign, there are big stories to tell. We should see a dramatic turn in the world economy & world politics…the beginning of a Major Shift in Political Structures. Pluto has an orbit of 248 years. The last time Pluto was in Capricorn was from 1762-1778, the period that saw “The Boston Tea Party” & “The American Revolution.”
This transit coincides with the eradication of whatever has outlived its purpose. Allow our new sense of ethics & ambitions to reflect where we’re really at. The Transformation of Governments, Corporations, Organizations, & Institutions of all kinds is highlighted.
Politically, it is a time to challenge our social ideas around blame & liability. Is it our government that is responsible for our world problems? Or is it us? There are many questions to ask ourselves. It is also a good time to take a serious look at power & responsibility… to see the Real Power we all have to affect things for the better in the world…in our lives, & in ourselves. Imagine possibilities & let your wild brain work on creating incredible solutions.
Approximately every 12 years, Jupiter meets up with the deep, dark, & penetrating Pluto, Lord of the Underworld. Symbolically, there is virtually no limit to Jupiter’s boundaries or Pluto’s depth. Great wealth, regenerative power, an ability to manifest (& hypnotize) are said to accompany this conjunction. Babies born in January this year may be particularly powerful as adults. For example, Bill Gates has a Jupiter-Pluto conjunction in his 2nd house of finance.
It could be a challenging year for those born in the early part of Capricorn (& the latter part of Sagittarius)…due to Pluto’s transit to their Suns. Most Capricorns are likely to just feel the expansive lucky influence of Jupiter’s transit. Generally, it is a very Auspicious Time for Most Capricorns (& for those w/Capricorn energies prominent in their charts).
A Jupiter-Pluto combo could galvanize tremendous personal drive in us. We may even see the beginnings of the re-distribution of wealth & power in ways that have been needed for some time. Overall, it should be an interesting year in the world… fascinating to watch a presidential election play out in the US.
On personal levels, wherever Capricorn falls in your chart is the area of your life that is most ripe for the biggest & most auspicious structural transformation.
Pluto goes Retrograde from June 1st-September 8th…sending Pluto back through Sagittarius til’ November 11th, 2008. Getting a large degree of Perspective as we transition will become part of the process as we move forward into this next big phase of political & world transformation.
Saturn (the planet of Form, Structure, & Discipline) entered Virgo (another Earth sign) in early September of 2007. It will travel through Virgo for about 2 ½ years…inspiring us to set up new Systems to help us with our Structures. Thinking about how things can specifically work over the longer term (in a systemic way) is part of the energy of this aspect. We need to square our beliefs with some facts with this aspect. Participate in our Dream in Real Time…& in Specific Ways. Clean out the closets of our minds. Make use of the skills & talents we have. Allow ourselves to Get Serious about our Health & Abilities in deeper ways.
Saturn’s Retrograde period goes from Dec 19th, 2007 until May 2nd, 2008. This phase supports simplifying, improving, or eliminating anything that has become unessential and unproductive. The message here is “Less can be more.”
There is a New Moon in Capricorn on January 8th, 2008. With this moon, we are in the dark (the void between the past & the future). It is our choice as to what we decide to create. Keeping our highest principles as strong intentions may serve us well in this new phase. Love & respect yourself, love others, & love what we do. New moons mark new beginnings.
We have our first Full Moon of the year on January 22nd, 2008. Although we start out with a lot of practical energy at the outset of this year…our first Full Moon is a Leo Moon (opposing an Aquarius Sun). It encourages us to join forces with like-minded souls & allow for innovations. Albert Einstein suggested that a problem cannot be solved at the level at which it was created. This full moon highlights intuition, idealism, & vision. Bring in some new vision & unusual ideas to help with the practical wishes that began with this year’s first New Moon.
Mercury (the planet of communication) enters a retrograde period from January 28th-February 18th. Mercury appears to move backward from our perspective about 3 times a year (for about 3 weeks each time). Lore generally suggests that when these Mercury retrogrades occur, it’s prudent to double check your communication & transportation plans, but there are many variables to this basic theory. During this retrograde period, Mercury will be making a Conjunction to Neptune (the planet of illusion, dreams, & compassion). They say that this conjunction makes Divine Intelligence easier to access for many of us (especially from February 2nd-March 9th).
Mercury’s retrograde passage through Aquarius doubles its time in Aquarius (January 7th-March 14th). Reconsider alternatives & reinforce natural alliances. Think of the bigger picture…& think outside the box.
February 6th is a New Moon in Aquarius…& the Chinese New Year (Year of the Rat). It is said that it’s a time of hard work, activity, & renewal. There are opportunities for those who are well prepared & resourceful. Let things develop as they will & make the most of what you find. See the little things as gifts.
March & April have Mars traveling through Cancer…possibly inspiring a lot of intense emotion. In April, Mars will be making a square aspect to Venus. This is a challenging aspect, theoretically inspiring some hot-headedness (or impulsive inclinations) with Venus traveling through Aries. Watch tempers & taking things too personally. This Venus/Mars square forms a T-square to Jupiter through April. The resolution to this challenging energy is utilizing a diplomatic approach by looking at the other side of things. Hopefully, humor can help you from losing your good humor. Ha!
May is likely to feel easier in regard to communication & everything else. Mars enters Leo on May 10th…bringing some added warmth & generosity to the picture (& maybe some needed dramatic changes, personally).
Mercury begins another retrograde period in late May (May 26TH –June 19TH). Because this Mercury Retrograde will be in Gemini, communication & transportation issues should be particularly interesting (especially if you’re traveling). Double check your plans & things will likely go more smoothly.
Mars enters Virgo in July, starting the work that gets culminated by mid August.
Aquarius Full Moon on August 16th is also a Lunar Eclipse…dreamy & dynamic. Celebrate diversity & create community…wherever you are.
For friends attending “Burning Man,” it looks like this year is another kind of purification year there with “The American Dream” theme and 3 planets (Mercury, Venus, and Saturn) travelling through Virgo during the time of the festival in late August. A body-focused purification could be spiritually strengthening for the collective psyche. Some of you have expressed issues with this year’s theme, but it is actually the kick-off to a greater political transformation (energetically).
Partnership, diplomacy, & balance are also highlighted with Mars entering Libra on August 20th. Purification in relations & the powerful force of Balance & Justice are both at play. Although I first saw the “American Dream” theme as a main-streaming of the festival, when I look deeper into the energies of now, I don’t actually see it that way. For those who are going, allow your Art to reflect the biggest ideals you can imagine. As a way to put out a revolutionary energy for our future, Go “Green,” “Go The Fall of Patriarchy,” “Go Specific,” “Go Beyond what you think is currently possible,” “Go the Wish for Balance,” “Go Wild!”
September of 2008 is likely to bring about some greater sense of balance…with bridges between people becoming more possible than before. 3 planets will be traveling through Libra…(Mercury, Venus, and Mars). Our politicians might be working harder to be diplomatic at this time. Debates should be interesting…for all the sides of things that are presented. The last Mercury Retrograde period of the year goes from September 24th-October 15th. Re-think relations…& balance.
October brings some depth & regeneration (with Venus & Mars in Scorpio). A sexy, passionate time for some…deeply challenging for others.
Election Day in the USA is on November 4th, 2008. This is a day to expect the unexpected. People may throw Saturn’s caution to the winds & vote by intuition. Uranus (planet of change & revolution) has been travelling through Pices since 2004…helping us to develop a greater degree of emotionality, compassion, & depth. Being that Saturn & Uranus will be exactly opposite one another by Election Day, there will be an interesting play of opposites between our wishes to honor “the rules” & our wishes to rebel. People might not do what they are supposed to do (or what we expect).
With so many of the outer planets traveling through signs that are in the later part of the zodiac, there’s generally more of a focus on collective consciousness now. With Mars traveling through Cancer in March, April, & part of May…our personal lives may feel much more important than whatever is going on in the world (or collectively). In the words of Mr. Spock from Star Trek, “There are times when the needs of ‘the One’ outweigh the needs of ‘the Many’.” Springtime may feel like that to many of us. Overall, though, the energies are more focused on the Bigger Picture. This is a year to watch the Seeds of Revolution Grow within us all. Watch as it all goes on by…& enjoy. After November 11th, 2008…there is no turning back from the tides of change that have been inevitable for decades. Yay!
More on the Mayan Calendar later.
Astrologer Bio
Tricia Riel... “Trish” has a Bachelor's degree from the Visual & Performing Arts School at Syracuse University in NY and a Masters Degree in Acting and Theatre Arts from Humboldt State University in CA. She has been a student of Astrology for over 25 years. She studied with Milo Kovar (of The Astro-Psychology Institute) & has had many other Astrological colleagues (Damun Gracenin, Howard Ludwig, & more). She has practiced as a Professional Astrologer for about 20 years, doing Astrological Charts for individuals & couples, being an Astrological Reader at Corporate Events, & also writing Astrological poems for newborns. She has taught Astrology Classes since around 1991 (in San Francisco, at River Spirit School of Natural Living, The Northern California Woman’s Herbal Symposium, & also at MoonRise Herbs in Arcata, CA).
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