Put your relationship to the test by answering this quiz/questionnaire.

1. Is the passion in your relationship:
1. improving
2. declining
3. staying the same
4. gone

2. Is she sexually satisfied when you make love:
1. every time
2. most of the time
3. hardly ever
4. never

3. Is he sexually satisfied when you make love:
1. every time
2. most of the time
3. hardly ever
4. never

4. Are you both in the mood to make love:
1. always at the same time
2. mostly at the same time
3. rarely at the same time
4. never at the same time

5. What happens most often whenever one of you expresses your sexual desire:
1. you make love
2. you make plans to make love
3. you try to make an excuse
4. you get into a fight

6. Which two are most important in your relationship:
1. just enjoying your time together
2. a good sex life
3. money
4. television

7. Which two are most true of your relationship:
1. having fun together is still a priority
2. you still enjoy planning romantic dates together
3. she is not being sexually satisfied
4. he has problems becoming or staying turned on

8. Rate the spontaneity in your love life compared with how you remember it at the beginning of your relationship:
1. the same
2. down a little
3. down a lot
4. non- existent

9. How often does your partner use shortage of time as a reason for not making love
1. never
2. sometimes
3. often
4. always

10. How often does your partner use tiredness as a reason not to make love:
1. never
2. sometimes
3. often
4. always

11. When your partner returns after a couple of days away, do you:
1. give them a wonderful hug and a loving kiss and say you’ve missed them:
2. give them a quick hug
3. say hello but carry on with what you were doing
4. ignore them-after all, you’ve seen them before

12. It’s the eve of your partner’s birthday and you still haven’t bought a present. Do you:
1. spend your lunch hour hunting for the ideal gift
2. run to the shops on the way home and grab something you hope they’ll like
3. not bother with a present---a nice birthday card will be fine
4. not bother with anything---after all. Birthdays are just a bore

So how do you think your relationship has fared?

To find out the how your relationship scored, check out the guide below.

1. Mostly A’s: This shows your relationship is rock solid when it comes to sex an romance. If you have answered nearly every question with an A, the you are probably as happy together as the day you met.

The spontaneity is still as sizzling as ever. In fact you are hard-pressed to find any faults in your partner.

2. Mostly B’s While you might not be as ecstatic as the people who answered A’s, you are pretty contented.

You still make love when one of you is in the mood-at least most of the time. To rekindle the passion you had at the start of your relationship, try to be more romantic towards your mate.

3. Mostly C’s- This relationship is running into serious trouble but it’s not too late to put things right.

While you often say you are too tired for love you still find energy sometimes. Try talking to each other again---then you can start to get on like you used to.

4. Mostly D’s- There isn’t much happy about this relationship—for either of you.

You probably argue over just about everything—especially sex. If you want to stay together, you will have to learn to talk and listen to each other honestly and say what you really want and need.

Author's Bio: 

A sex educator for over 20 years, Dr. Leah Schwartz is co-author of the best-selling book, The One Hour Orgasm, and the author of FUNGASMS: The Ultimate Guide To Having Fun Every Day; WHO TAUGHT YOU THAT?: Answers to 101 Important Questions About SEX; as well as a popular series of Venus Butterfly videos, including; FOR HIS EYES ONLY: How to Make Sex More Fun for Her and; FOR HER EYES ONLY: How to Make Sex More Fun for Him -- these and a free Sensual Tips newsletter are available at VenusButterfly.com.