The mind in movement is either remembering or projecting. When you're in the process of thinking, when thoughts are arising, their direction is dual. You're either remembering the past or you are thinking ahead about the future. Right now requires no thought. Right here and right now, the space in which you breathe, requires no thought, planning, or problem-solving. You don't have to think at all about your immediate moment and environment.

When it comes to the flow of money, the mind continues to do one of two things. It either looks ahead and sees lack and all the ways there won't be enough money, or it will look to the past to reference what was done before about money. Your mind, by default, looks to troubleshoot the problems of lack it's imagining by referencing past moments in which you may have experienced lack. It creates a loop, a recurring story or train of thought, about money shortage and what to do about it, and plays it frequently in your awareness.

“Well, when I run out of money, maybe I can...”
“Well, when this money stops coming, I'll have to...”
“I'm not going to have enough next month to...”
“Where am I going to get more money in three months?”
“Maybe I should save so that when the money stops coming I'll have a little bit of a back up.”

The projective thoughts of lack the mind can latch onto are endless if unchecked. The story gets more intricate and more believable with each thought you identify with and entertain. The mind really paints for you an intricate picture of what's going to happen even though none of what the mind suggests is actually happening right now.

The reality is much simpler than the story of lack the mind constructs. The question isn't whether or not there will be money in three months, two months, or two days. Bring your mind to a more immediate thought. Are you provided for right here and right now? Do you have the dollars you need for right now, for today?

There is no tomorrow. There is no three months from now. There is no “in six months”. All such thoughts are planning for imagined and projected shortage. All of it is just thought, the whole story of lack is contained in your thoughts. It's not real and immediate. It's not here and actually happening right now. It's completely fabricated on the premise of scarcity.

In thinking along trains of thought like that, you're anticipating shortage. In tuning into and continuing to practice thoughts of that nature, you're anticipating scarcity and continuing to train yourself into negative expectation.

The moment you find yourself anticipating lack or shortage, withdraw your attention from the train of thought. You don't have to eliminate the thoughts. It's not about eradicating the thoughts once and for all. You just have to shift your attention, take your attention out of the thoughts. Peel your attention off of the thoughts. Recognize that this story of anticipated shortage is just a train of thought. It's not real. It's not actually happening. Bring your attention back into your now-moment. Bring your attention to look at all that you already have right now. Bring your attention and shift your thoughts into thoughts of abundance. Deliberately bring yourself to think thoughts of abundance, thoughts of having enough, thoughts of there always being more than enough.

I have the money I need right now.
I have more than enough money for today.
Right now is all that's on my plate.
Right now I am provided for in abundance.
Right here and right now I have the money for today.

And if you want to look ahead to tomorrow and the days after, deliberately choose thoughts that say:

There's always more coming.
There's always more than enough.
I live in a Universe of unending abundance.
I can choose to think in the direction of abundance.
Lack-full thoughts are just thoughts and I can choose the kind of thoughts I think.

Refuse to let yourself tune into thoughts that are projecting future lack. It's completely imagined. Recognize that any thought the content of which is a future moment, is a projection. It's not real. It's not about right now. It's about an imagined future. The only thing that makes your imagined futures a reality is your continued attention to those patterns of thought. Whatever you focus on, you create. Whatever frequency or essence of thought has your attention will come to face you as a manifested experience. Build a tomorrow of abundance by being mindful of the thoughts you supply power to.

Abundance is real and immediate, it is the way of this Universe. Scarcity and lack are always mental projections before they are a reality. Keep your attention on your now-moment and be deliberate and mindful of the thoughts you tune into. If you want to look ahead, anticipate to be amply provided for in your next moment. Anticipate an increasing flow of all that's good in your life. Train yourself into positive expectation by practicing thoughts of abundance. Anticipate abundance.

Author's Bio: 

Kidest M. is a personal and spiritual transformation consultant offering tools, processes, and her unique perspective to guide and direct those on the path of self-transformation. For more information about her approach, please visit: