If you want to change your life, you must first change your mind.

Mindset: That is the engine, which runs our machine. Our thoughts are very powerful tools. Most people allow the environment to control what they think and just go with the flow allowing others to create their outcomes. If this really worked, we could coast along allowing external forces to determine our lives and our success or failure. Sadly, the masses go down this path all too often and never attain the success in their minds because they do not allow their minds to determine their success

Operating a home based business requires discipline and more importantly a positive mindset. As we proceed, you will soon realize that mindset represents more than 90% of your success. Working at home can certainly give you freedom and flexibility to do what you choose, but it can become a lonely enterprise if you let negativity or rejections control your thoughts. Personally, I start my day with meditation and a long walk. Put yourself in a state of gratitude. Think about how fortunate you are to enjoy this time on your own, to take in the beauty of nature around you, stop and smell the roses. Notice the change of seasons or just appreciate the season you’re experiencing right now. Listen to the sounds of life around you, or appreciate the silence if you’re able to walk in the woods, lake or on a beach. Recognize the love you enjoy from family and friends. Think about how grateful you are to be in good health. In other words, clear your head and stay in the present. Focus on what your want – what you really want - and be that person NOW.

Success with a home based business starts with you and your MINDSET. In truth, it is the one constant of any successful business opportunity. To have success, mindset is confidence in yourself and your product. Mindset is positive and passion for what you’re doing. From my experience, most new entrepreneurs are too anxious to get started with income producing activities, which at first glance, seems like a good idea – but isn’t. To start your advertising campaigns or marketing or making telephone calls will tend to cause frustrations that will build on themselves and you will automatically allow the results to determine your actions. The voice you use on the telephone and the inflections and tonality will be reflective of your attitude. When you are coming from this place your advertising and marketing are going to mirror YOU. You will not attract the right prospects to invite success.

Simply put, our thoughts determine our feelings. Our feelings lead to our actions and our actions determine our results. Being in action means doing and doing does not mean thoughtless doing – it means doing it right. If you really believe in your thoughts, feelings, and actions, don’t let the initial results cause you to waver – give it time – believe in your actions and remember success is not 100%, or nothing. Reggie Jackson, while playing baseball for the Oakland A’s once said, “I only have to be right one-third of the time and I get paid a lot of money.” This means that if he got a hit once in three tries, he was successful. What does it take in your business? Can you earn tons of money if you make one sale for every ten people with whom you speak? By letting the outcome or the results of your first three calls of the day determine the rest of your day, it’s time to take that walk again. Believe in the actions you are taking and continue – with a positive mindset. You may even say thank you after receiving a “no” – this brings you closer to a “yes”.

Napoleon Hill said, "What the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve." All great achievements and accomplishments, the mind conceives first. Star athletes visualize the process as well as the outcome. The next time you see Tiger Woods play golf notice that he looks at the hole and looks at where he is, and you can see him visualize the flight of the ball. He then addresses the ball and hits it. It doesn’t always go where he wants, but he is successful enough to be the best golfer in the world. Don’t go running off to the think tank just yet; merely thinking is not mindset. Conceiving is really achieving in your mind, and whatever you do, your success cannot surpass the limits you have put on your mind. Many people dream of becoming wealthy and don’t – why? Because the limits they have put on themselves will not allow it to happen – this is mindset.
Keep in mind it is simple to see what is wrong on this planet, in the world, or in your life. It takes some training, but start by seeing what you want for yourself and simply expect it to happen. Visualize vividly – this is mindset.
Everything in the universe is made up of energy. Your thoughts create the energy that ultimately lead to your results. Your positive thoughts will be sent out to the universe and be echoed back to you multi fold. By the way, your negative thoughts will also return to you many times over, so choose your thoughts wisely - practice and watch the changes in your actions and in your life.

Home based businesses are growing dramatically and are one of the fastest growing segments of the economy and in climates like the present, they continue flourish.

Author's Bio: 

Tish Tisherman is the Pragmatic Career and Lifestyle expert who helps people navigate their business lives to actually coincide with their true passions because, frankly, life is just too short and too precious to wake up one day and wonder – what have I done with my life?!

Contact Tish@TheCorporateAlternative.com