September 2007 - Volume IV - Issue IX

ADHD - Spring Cleaning in the Fall- Better Late then never!

Statement: My intent in this newsletter is to express as quickly as possible my own beliefs and opinions on matters. I have no problems with people who disagree with my opinion and have even been swayed to rethink my position from time to time.


If you are anything like me Fall always arrives a lot faster than I was expecting and along with it brings the inevitable house projects. I quickly realize that my Fall projects of which I rarely complete were in reality my Spring projects which I didn't get done.

As an example a couple of weeks ago I went up on the roof to clean out the gutters on the house and realized that they contained not only leaves from last fall but spring tree droppings and a year of other debris. The leaves where I live are just beginning to fall so in a few short weeks my gutters which are now clean, will begin to fill up once again with dead leaves and other fall debris. The biggest reason I do this is so that in the freeze/thaw cycles of winter my gutters will operate correctly and I don't end up with dammed up gutters weighed down by clogged ice.

My intent is to always clean them in the Spring, to take out the previous years final leaves, and then do another quick cleaning in the fall after the leaves have mostly fallen. This along with many other chores has never seemed to match my hoped for time table. So I end up spending about three times the amount of time it would take me to just take some time in Spring and Fall on the gutters.

The garage as you might remember from my newsletter awhile back entitled “The myth of the two car garage” often gets neglected in cleaning during the Fall and Spring designated times. Usually there is the pressure of at least making room for my wife’s car in the garage during the winter. But sometimes even if I clean it up a bit in the Fall, things have accumulated to the point where both cars spend most of the winter on the driveway outside the garage. When Spring arrives I seem to get so busy with the mower and other yard equipment that the garage clutter just accumulates around the stuff that has been there all Winter. Then the fact that the car no longer at risk of ice, snow, and frost, so the garage gets moved to the back burner and the cars end up spending the Spring, Sumner and Fall months on the driveway outside the garage too.

I seem to always be removing fall leaves from around spring plants and doing almost all my partial Spring cleaning in the Fall and my Fall Cleaning in the Spring. That is if I get to it at all. Outdoor windows and cleaning the siding basically happen when it gets so bad I can't stand it anymore, sometimes even then I will put it off to the next Fall or Spring list of things to do.

This is very frustrating for me because I have the best of intentions to do it but then don't.

My hope in writing this newsletter now is that I can both clean my garage out this fall enough to get one of the cars into it for Winter, and also do another quick cleaning of my gutters after the leaves have mostly fallen this fall.

Maybe you can be my coach and hold me accountable to these goals this fall. Maybe at the same time you can set a similar goal for a task you have been procrastinating on and maybe get it done now rather than later.

Thanks and talk to you next month.

Patrick Hurley

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Author's Bio: 

17 years Lieutenant Johnson County Sheriffs Office, 5 Years Adult Probation/Parole Officer, 10 years ADHD Support group facilitator, Co Author of book "ADHD and the Criminal Justice System", 4 years ADHD Life Skills Coach