9 Tips For Beginners: What To Do When You Start Exercising
The first few times in the gym or when training at home usually feels very weird. You have probably already looked at some YouTube videos and blog posts and dealt with the topic. But then to implement it yourself is always something else. Also, you can try the LA Fitness membership. Find here LA Fitness Membership prices.

How do I start? - Find a trainer or use YouTube tutorials

In most gyms, it is quite normal that when you register you will also receive instructions for the various devices from a trainer. If you have a good trainer, they should point out to you at the beginning if you are doing an exercise wrong. Should he not do it, do not hesitate to question him simply ask, your feedback on your performance to give. That's what he's there for.

If you are home train, which of course is not that easy. In this case, we recommend watching YouTube videos from trainers who will show you the correct way to perform the various exercises. Following are filming you have your workout and compare whether the two videos together. Film yourself from time to time and compare it again with your sample video. In this way, you will continue to improve your own execution in the long term.

What should I eat? - First concentrate on one thing

No matter if you have been training for years or a complete beginner. Eating a healthy, balanced diet is the key to long-term success. But our experience has shown that it is most very heavy falls two habits to suddenly change.

For you as a beginner, we, therefore, recommend that you train regularly for 2 to 3 months so that it becomes a habit and does not cost you any more to overcome. Then you can begin well your diet to your workout tune.

If you are impatient and still want to do something to build your muscle, we recommend that you start off with nothing more than a whey protein shake after your workout.

How often should I exercise? - Don't exercise too often

Beginners often want to go from 0 to 100 and see quick wins. We understand that, but what you need to know is this. Your muscles grow in the break between the training sessions. Therefore, 2 to 3 training units per week are more than enough for beginners.

What training plan should I use? - Start with a full-body training

Usually, there are 2 types of training plans. Full body training and split training. To start with, a full-body exercise plan is just the thing. Because your muscles are not used to regular training, they grow even with less stress than experienced athletes. A good basis is to learn the 3 basic exercises deadlift, bench press, and squat correctly, and to integrate them into the full-body training plan.

Split training means that you train the different muscles individually in a training session, but much more intensely. If you have been training for a long time, you can use this training method to really work out the muscle. This type of training is too intense for beginners and usually causes severe muscle soreness, which can sometimes force you to take a longer break.

Editor's tip: Remember to warm up for a few minutes before each training session. You don't know how In our article about mobility, we have put together a short mobility warm-up for you that you can download here for free.

How many reps should I do? - A little more to start with

As a beginner, we recommend doing between 12 and 15 repetitions for each exercise. In this way, you will first get a feel for the exercise and learn the correct sequence of movements. Then take a break of about 1 minute and then another 12 to 15 repetitions. You do this for 3 rounds (when training one usually speaks of sentences).

How do I find my training weight? - Try yourself out

A question that we are also asked very often is how to find the right training weight. The easiest way to find the perfect training weight for you is this: Take a weight and try to do 15 repetitions. If you can't do it, take a lighter weight. If you can do it easily, you take a heavier weight.

You keep doing this until you notice that you can just barely manage the 15 repetitions. If you can do 15 reps in all 3 sets, that's great. Then next time you can increase the weight a little and keep on increasing.

What exercises should I start with? - Machines and bodyweight exercises

With the selection of equipment to use in the gym, you may find it difficult to decide which exercises to start with. Usually, the trainer in the gym will give you initial recommendations during the introduction.

For a start, machines make more sense than free weights, because you tend to be less wrong here and thus not be able to injure yourself. Why? Because most machines already dictate the movement and your posture.

In addition, bodyweight exercises also make sense as a supplement. Exercises such as pushups, squats, and situps not only give you a better body feeling but also build a solid basis for training with free weights.

For example, the squat is a very demanding exercise that is best trained first without any weights and then at some point only with a light bar. Only when you have mastered the correct execution here should you start switching to heavier weights.

How do I stay motivated? - Find your personal goal

Think about why you want to start training and write down the answer to it. Make sure it really is your answer. If your reason is currently the recommendation of your doctor, your parents, friends, or your partner, make it your personal reason.

Think about what will improve in your life when you are fitter and have your dream body. Write it down and bring it somewhere to where you every day gust it to you to your destination to remember.

Leave your ego at home

You are just starting out with your workout. You come to the gym and see a lot of well-trained women and men. Don't let that intimidate you. Everyone started small. Don't try to lift, push or push as much weight as possible as quickly as possible just because the person next to you is lifting so much more weight than you. You are not here for the others. You are here for your own objective to achieve.

•Let a trainer or other professional show you how to do it.
•First, learn to exercise properly and later deal with the right diet.
•2 to 3 workouts are enough to get you started.
•Your muscles only grow if you give them a break.
•Start with a full-body exercise plan.
•Do 3 x 12 to 15 repetitions per exercise.
•Find your right training weight.
•In the beginning, train better on the machines and with your own body weight.
•Do it for you

Author's Bio: 

Rakib is a freelance writer and proofreader. Writing is his passion, fashion, and obsession.