When creating content such as articles, products, blogs etc, you can't just go ahead and start writing. You'll most likely get jumbled and unstructured content which is hard to read.

Instead, take these 7 tips into account and watch your fan base grow.

1) Add value - Whenever people search for new content, they're looking for something which will add value to their lives, make something easier or significantly better. Therefore, when you write content, make sure it serves a purpose and will actually help people. If this is not done, then they'll most likely leave after reading the first few paragraphs.

2) Build your personal brand - Whatever you write has an effect on what people think of you and whether they consider you an expert in your niche. Use this to your advantage by creating a writing style for your personal brand to stand out from the crowd.

3) Do something nobody has done before - Let's face it, who enjoys reading the same boring content over and over again? I know I don't. Instead of following the crowd, talk about something new and exciting by developing new methods, or...

4) Put a twist on stuff - Even if a concept is years old, then it can still be taught in new and exciting ways which will help your readers to understand better than they did ever before. Even if you add some personality into the mix, they'll most likely still find it fun to read.

5) Short paragraphs - This is key! You are not writing a novel. You are writing content to help people understand your message. Short paragraphs enhance readability and prevent people leaving after their first glance.

6) Invite conversation and viewpoints - This is particularly effective when writing about a topical issue, but it should also apply to all of your content. Whenever you get comments on a blog post or another piece of content, you're getting a few things: social proof, involvement and attachment. 'Social proof' because other people see how other people believe its interesting, 'involvement' because they actually become part of the content, and 'attachment' because they now have an emotional reaction to it and are more likely to remember it (and you!).

7) Make it interesting - If you've ever seen a boring person (yes, a real life boring person!), you'll notice he/she has the least friends. The same applies for your content. People like to be entertained - it's in our nature. Interesting content means lower bounce rates, and also that your readers will remember it more and associate you as being interesting too.

Implement these key tips from today and you'll definitely start to see a boost in your online presence, whatever your niche.

- James.

Author's Bio: 

With over 5 years of vast experience teaching Internet Marketing, James Francis uses dozens of techniques for producing sales and satisfied customers across the globe, including (but not necessarily limited to): Internet Marketing, Video Marketing, Web 2.0, E-mail Marketing, Affiliate Marketing, Article Marketing, Social Media, and many more.

Using these methods, he provides you with the most effective tutorials to help you create your full time income online.

To learn how you can start earning with Internet Marketing RIGHT NOW, watch the value-packed video on this page for free: http://www.EasyIMProfits.com/secretvideo.

To Your Successful Future,

- James Francis.