'Action may not always bring happiness, but there is no happiness without action.' Benjamin Disraeli.
I have developed 7 steps to enable you first to determine whether you are in crisis at work and then to give you a kick-start to taking the actions necessary to change the situation.
My clients are all very busy and I have promised to keep these articles concise accordingly. Due to the size and nature of this topic I have decided to split it across two newsletter articles. Part 2 will be published at the beginning of December.
Step 1 - Identify
Answer these 7 questions quickly and without thinking about the answers too much:
Do you constantly feel stressed or anxious at work?
At the end of the day do you often think 'I have added little or no value today. I have made little or no difference.'?
Is there always too much to do and no time to do it?
Do you think you are unworthy for or unlikely to get a promotion?
Do you think your boss does not respect or value you?
Does it feel as though you have little or no support at work?
Do you think often of resigning or of losing your job?
If you answered yes to 5 or more questions, then you are in crisis.
Step 2 - Accept, Face, Decide
Now that you've realised it the next step is to accept it and face it. Until you do nothing will change.
Ask yourself these questions:
Do I accept now that I am in crisis at work?
Am I now willing to face the fact that I am in crisis at work?
Now you have a decision to make:
Are you going to take control and do whatever it takes to change the situation and yourself (because undoubtedly changes are required in both)?
Or are you going to stay as you are and allow things to take their own course without your influence and regardless of your wishes?
Congratulations! You have just taken the first couple of steps towards changing the situation. They were difficult and even scary steps I know. So take a moment to pat yourself on the back and give yourself the positive feedback that you have started the journey towards where you want to be.
Now let's start working on getting you from the situation you are in to the one you want to be in.
Step 3 - Set the Main Goal
We need to start with a very clear idea of what you want.
Pick a time frame for when you want to have resolved everything successfully. Is it 1 month? 3 months? 6 months? 1 year? Or something else? Make sure the deadline seems right for you, that you believe it is possible at the same time as giving yourself a slight stretch. Work out the exact date and write it down.
Now what is your goal for that day? You need to come up with a sentence that is phrased positively, is specific and is measurable. Imagine yourself on that day. Think about what you want to see, hear and feel. Again ensure that you believe it is possible at the same time as giving yourself a slight stretch. Write the goal down next to the date.
It is vital to be truly honest with yourself when setting your goal. You would be amazed at the number of my clients who say they want one thing, set that as a goal and start moving towards it when in their heart of hearts they truly want something completely different!
Once more imagine yourself on the day your goal is achieved. What are you seeing? What are you hearing? What are you feeling? Take a few moments to completely immerse yourself in that vision of the future. And then ask:
On a scale of 1 to 10, where 1 is not at all and 10 is completely and utterly, how much do I truly want to reach this goal?
If something isn't quite right or you realise that goal really isn't what you're after, then re-visit the goal and tweak or re-write it until you can answer the above question with a minimum score of 8.
If that goal seems like the summit of a mountain right now, relax. We're not going to try to fly straight to the top.
In creating Em-powering Executives, Emma Wortt brought together all her experience gained throughout 12 years in the London business world, her qualifications as a Professional Coach and NLP Practitioner, plus her long experience and expertise in Training.
Through Em-powering Executives Em enables individuals to create solutions to their challenges; achieve personal success and job satisfaction; use the results of that work to benefit their organisation; and to create an optimum organisational culture in which staff are performing effectively, are motivated, loyal and happy.
Em is passionate about her work and cares deeply about empowering clients to achieve their potential.
Em-powering Executives can help CEOs, Directors and Senior Managers to:
Achieve excellence
Find solutions
Find the time
Motivate teams and get them performing
Set powerful and effective goals and achieve them
Learn to delegate and ‘let go’
Understand and implement effective methods of communication
Accomplish excellent professional relationships
Understand, learn and implement coaching
Improve organisational ability and get things done
Breakthrough limiting beliefs
Achieve personal and professional growth
Attain more work / life balance by addressing time challenges
Increase confidence
Reduce stress and ‘enjoy the journey’
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