Vitamin D is often associated with the growth of a child. Yes, this vitamin is extremely important for the development of the body and bone strength. But vitamin D is not only important for children but also for adults. It performs many other vital functions. Let’s review what will happen to the body in the case of vitamin D deficiency.

Lack of Vitamin D Consequences
1. Constant colds
Vitamin D interacts directly with cells that are responsible for fighting infections. Several large studies have immediately established a link between its deficiency and constant respiratory diseases, such as acute respiratory viral infections, bronchitis, and pneumonia.

2. Fatigue
Vitamin D helps our body transform food into energy. You won’t get power if you don’t get enough vitamin D.

In one study, a 28-year-old woman who complained of chronic fatigue and headaches had vitamin D levels almost four times lower than normal. As soon as the girl began to take supplements with this vitamin, her levels became normal, and the symptoms disappeared.

3. Joint and back pain
People with vitamin D deficiency are twice as likely to complain of bone and joint pain than those who don’t have the deficiency. Also, the lack of this vitamin manifests itself in back pain.

4. Muscle pain
Causes of muscle pain are difficult to determine. One of them may be a lack of vitamin D. This vitamin plays an important role in the functioning of a normal nerve cell, and they are responsible for sensations of pain. When you have a vitamin D deficiency, these nerve cells don’t work properly and lead to an increased feeling of pain.

5. Depression
There is a direct relationship between the levels of vitamin D and serotonin (this is a hormone which is responsible for good mood). There are studies that show that vitamin supplements help reduce the symptoms of seasonal depression.

6. Hair loss
Acute hair loss can be related to a variety of causes such as micronutrient deficiencies or even stress. And vitamin D deficiency is one of them. A lack of this vitamin is usually characterized by hair loss in females and focal alopecia.

7. Slow healing of cuts and wounds
Vitamin D is involved in the production of compounds that are responsible for the formation of new skin in the area of wounds. If the body experiences a lack of vitamin D, the wounds will take longer to heal.

What to Do?
If you noticed a deficiency of vitamin D, you need to contact a therapist. The doctor will analyze the symptoms, your lifestyle, and chronic diseases. The specialist will advise you to perform a blood test, and he/she will be able to determine the level of the vitamin.

Fortunately, it’s not difficult to solve vitamin D deficiency. You simply need to make some changes to your lifestyle:

You should eat foods rich in vitamin D, such as oily fish (salmon, herring, sardines), shrimp, egg yolks, and mushrooms grown in the open field.
You may take vitamin D supplements but only after consulting with a therapist! The doctor will help you choose the most effective and at the same time safe dose.
You should spend more time in the open air and out in the sun but be careful not to get a sunburn.

Author's Bio: 

I am Amelia Grant, journalist, and blogger. I think that information is a great force that is able to change people’s lives for the better. That is why I feel a strong intention to share useful and important things about health self-care, wellness and other advice that may be helpful for people. Being an enthusiast of a healthy lifestyle that keeps improving my life, I wish the same for everyone.