"If you have a plan of attack, you instantly increase your chances of success." We've all heard that before, right? The truth is, success does not merely land in our lap. We can do incredible things if we have incredible things planned, but it's up to each one of us to map it out and create the life we desire. And the sooner we do it, the better off we're going to be. Waiting and hoping for success to find us is absolutely crazy. I'll never forget what Jim Rohn once said,

"I find it fascinating that most people plan their vacations
with better care than they do their lives.
Perhaps that is because escape is easier than change."

Since you're reading this right now, my guess is that you're not that kind of person and my hope is that you find this article useful as you build on the momentum you already have. It's much easier to head in the right direction from the beginning than going with the flow and trying to correct your course later. But I'm not one to sugar coat the facts, so here it goes: Creating the life of your dreams is not going to be a piece of cake. However, it can still be a fun and rewarding journey.

So with that said, let's get into it! There is A LOT of advice out there on how to become successful and build an extraordinary life, but I think it boils down to 5 main points...

STEP 1: Discover what you want

The number one reason people don't get what they want in life is because they don't know what they want in the first place. The reality is, if you want a dream to come true, you first must have a dream. It seems like common sense, but the trick is not to get caught up in the detail and lost in the "how." I.e.: "How I am going to accomplish this?" Unfortunately, too many people limit their ability and the many incredible experiences they could have because the "how" becomes overwhelming or simply seems implausible. Beginning with this part of the process is like dreaming on a budget-its simply not effective.

In actuality, this can be the most enjoyable step-like creating a Christmas list-but sadly, I've seen far too many people struggle with this because their seeds of desire have been buried with self-doubts and negative "feedback" from our parents, teachers, coaches and peers. Consequently, we may lose our adventurous spirit and stop dreaming about what is possible because we get stuck on what is practical.

This is why we must remember rule #1: the limits of our mentality often become the limit of our ability. That's why we can't afford to have our rational thinking curtail our potential in the first step. When we try to be "sensible" or "practical" (by other people's standards) we become numb to our true desires. If we ignore what our heart is telling us then we may miss out on some great things life has to offer. Conversely, we must think big and be creative.

The reason most people never reach their goals
is that they don't define them,
learn about them or even seriously consider them as believable or achievable.
Winners can tell you where they are going,
what they plan to do along the way,
and who will be sharing the adventure with them.

- Denis Waitley

Think about what you want to accomplish, what you would like to experience, what you want to have, and who you would like to become. As you come up with your thoughts be sure to write down everything. As a rule, your pen should not stop moving for at least three minutes. The mere act of writing down your thoughts tells your brain that you are serious about achieving these goals. The clearer you are about what you want, the more you empower your brain to find ways to make it possible.

STEP 2: Use the power of WHY

What do I mean? Simple: Know exactly why you want what you want. This is extremely important because knowing this information becomes the source of our motivation. People aren't "lazy," they just don't have a goal that inspires them. When we take the time to list the reasons why we want something, we are emphasizing and focusing on the benefits that will come as a result of taking action.

Not surprisingly, it becomes easier to face unexpected challenges and make the sacrifices necessary to accomplish the outcome. It may help to ask yourself this question: "If I achieve this goal, how would my life be better?" When times get tough, the answer to that question (aka: benefits) will often determine whether or not we give up or carry on.

TIP: For extra motivation, create a short list of the things you might miss out on if you don't make a full commitment and follow through with your goal. Sometimes the costs of giving up and not reaching our goal are enough to keep us on track.

STEP 3: Create a plan

As the old adage goes, action without a plan is planning to fail. This step serves as the bridge helping you get from where you are to where you want to be in the most efficient way. As Alan Lakein once said, "Planning is bringing the future into the present so that you can do something about it now." I think he's exactly right.

Once a destination is set, it helps to create a map. When you know where you're going and what the next step is, the process of achieving lofty goals seems much more feasible.

An effective plan should include 3 things:

* Challenging, yet realistic objectives that serve as stepping stones to the larger vision
* A minimum of five "stepping stone" accomplishments for each main goal
* Each step should be measurable so you can tell if you are on or off course or if you current actions are working
* Challenging, yet realistic dates and deadlines for each step
* A list of possible traps and distractions to avoid

Having a map also allows you to enjoy the journey. Sometimes working towards a big goal can seem slow and discouraging at times, but knowing you're nearing a stepping stone can really boost moral. In other words, the smaller victories along the way allow you to recognize the progress you're making.

Keep in mind, the plan does not need to be perfect before you start implementing it-in fact, it never will be. It should be well-structured, but it will never be flawless so don't get hung up on trying to work out every detail. It's a guide, not a prophecy. There will undoubtedly be times when the map (created mentally) does not align with the territory (reality itself). Nonetheless, having a plan generates the confidence to know you have a strategy before going into battle.

STEP 4: Expect the best but prepare for the worst

Always believe you can achieve the goals you set out to accomplish, but make sure your expectations allow you to recognize the progress you are making. Why? Because challenges are inevitable-even for those who are the best at what they do. Successful people have extremely high standards for themselves, but they also know that certain challenges will arise. As a result, they don't get discouraged or shaken very easily. Instead, they continue moving forward when most people feel overwhelmed and give up.

Life does not always turn out perfectly as planned so as you set your goals and remain optimistic about the future, ask yourself, "In pursuit of my goals, what are some of the challenges I may face and how can I overcome them?" We won't be able to think of everything, but we can sure cover a lot of possibilities. The right preparation helps us remain calm, accurately interpret the situation, make better decisions, and respond quickly.

STEP 5: Make it happen

Believe it or not, this is where people tend to run into the most problems. There are actually a lot of people who know what they want, have a great plan, but never follow through-or worse, never get started at all! As Tony Robbins candidly said, "In life, lots of people know what to do, but few people actually do what they know. Knowing is not enough! You must take action." And the only person who can make you chase your dreams is... you guessed it: YOU.

Be willing to take action towards your goals and aspirations. Start where you stand and begin doing something each day that moves you closer to where you want to be. The formula is very simple. If you don't get the result you want, try something else. If that doesn't work, try something else. Keep trying until you find a way. It's impossible to fail if you're trying, learning, and adapting.

Keep your eyes on the target, work hard, and enjoy the process. Remember, the sacrifices will be worth the rewards.

Much success to you,

- Kent Healy

Author's Bio: 

At a young age reality gave Kent D. Healy a wake up call. He realized that he was not getting taught the important life-skills in school that he needed to become successful in the real world. Kent then partnered with his brother at age 17 to write his first book, “Cool Stuff” They Should Teach In School.

Since the book has been released, the overwhelming positive feedback has driven him to start his own publishing company called “Cool Stuff” Media, Inc.: coolstuffmedia.com)

The success of this company and the personal development material created by Kent has made him one of the most popular and sought-after young experts on the topic of success. kenthealy.com

Kent is a columnist, personal life coach, entrepreneur, and speaker. He has teamed up with some of the world’s most respected leaders in the field of psychology and personal transformation—including the recent release of his book, The Success Principles for Teens which he co-authored with Jack Canfield.

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