If you think that calories are calories - and it doesn't matter whether they come from cookies or carrots - then it's time to rethink what you're thinking about calories. Contrary to what you may have heard, all calories are NOT created equal. Believing that you'll lose weight simply by counting them or cutting them will likely leave you hungry, irritable, malnourished and frustrated when you end up not much lighter than you were when you started - and maybe even heavier.


Rather than counting calories, eat until you are satisfied.

Check out these facts about calories for a little taste of reality:

1. All Calories Are Not Created Equal

Thinking that all calories are the same is an outdated concept. By definition calories represent units of energy provided by a particular food, however they are not all the same. It's the quality of the calories that matters most and it enhances the value of the food.

2. Junk is Junk, No Matter How You Slice It

Calories from nutrient-rich foods versus nutritionally-deficient foods such as processed or refined carbs will have different effects on the body. Healthy, nutrient-rich foods will enable your brain to signal your belly that it's full, help maintain stable blood sugar levels, and minimize cravings. Nutrient poor foods will have the opposite effect: spiking insulin, causing cravings, diminishing satiety signals and encouraging you to overeat. Therefore, eating mostly nutrient dense foods will help to keep your weight in check naturally; no calorie counting required.

3. Nutrients Matter More

Tracking every calorie that goes in your mouth may give you a feeling of control but it doesn't mean you're getting enough of the nutrients your body needs. If your diet consists mostly of portion-controlled, "diet" microwaveable meals and other highly processed items, you're eating a poor excuse for food. This type of "food" is loaded with chemicals, GMOs, allergenic and inflammatory ingredients, and it doesn't provide enough protein, fiber, good fats or even volume to make you feel satisfied. You end up hungry, unable to focus, and malnourished, possibly setting you up for chronic illness down the line. Don't be fooled by the calorie count- think nutrition instead.

4. Don't Be A Big Loser

When you see the "before and after" photos of the contestants on The Biggest Loser, you have to wonder just what they were eating before they entered the ranch. I'm guessing it was a whole lot more food. With intense caloric restriction and hours of exercise every day, they do lose weight. And yes, while it does work for a time, it's not recommended. It's hard to sustain this as a life style long-term, and will leave you feeling run-down because you're not supporting your body with enough essential nutrients. Furthermore, this type of restrictive dieting actually slows down metabolism to conserve energy and prevent starvation making weight loss harder.

5. Eat The Right Stuff

To quell your cravings and help reduce your appetite with little effort, all you need to do is feed yourself real food. First up are fats and oils. There is abundant evidence to show that lower-carb, higher fat diets are generally more satisfying. The healthiest fats include avocados, nuts, and cold-pressed olive oil. Not only do they help balance hormonal and metabolic processes, they taste great. Next in line are the non-starchy vegetables like leafy greens. They provide nutrient-dense bulk to fill you up. And last but not least are protein foods such as wild caught fish, grass fed organic meat and poultry providing nourishment while keeping you feeling full longer.

Bottom line, eat until you feel satisfied rather than until your reach some arbitrary "magic" number. Give up hunger, denial and counting calories for real, nutrient-dense foods. By eating this way, your body will tell you when you've had enough and you will lose weight and keep it off for good.

Author's Bio: 

Lorraine Matthews-Antosiewicz, MS RD, is a food and nutrition expert specializing in weight management and digestive health. She is committed to empowering people through education, support, and inspiration to make real changes that lead to optimal health and lasting weight loss. Take her Free Self-Assessment and learn how you can lose 20 lb. - or more. Jump Start your weight loss today! http://njnutritionist.com/freeassessment