Heart rate is linked with the blood pumped by the heart in the body. It’s the number of times your heart beats in a minute and is one of the essential markers of your well-being. Normal heart rate lies between 60-100 beats per minute. However, an abnormal heart rate indicates a possible heart disorder. Heart diseases can also result from a sedentary lifestyle and unhealthy eating habits. Here are a few healthy ways that help to keep your heart rate steady and healthy.

1. Make Time for Breakfast:

Having a healthy, hearty breakfast can help you avoid clogged arteries. Middle-aged adults who regularly skip breakfast or just have coffee or juice are twice more likely to develop heart diseases such as atherosclerosis than those who eat a healthy morning breakfast. A study found that breakfast skippers had more plaque buildup in their arteries than those who ate morning meals. Skipping breakfast is an unhealthy habit that increases a person’s risk of heart disease. Researchers also found that breakfast skippers are more likely to be overweight and have poor eating habits.

2. Detox your Body:

Foreign chemicals and toxins in your blood can also affect the heart rate over time and increase the risk of heart disease. Detoxify your body regularly through natural remedies to rid your body of harmful toxins and chemicals. Avoid smoking, drugs, and too much alcohol, which add a lot of toxins to your body. Regularly check your heart rhythms through a portable EKG monitor, which helps determine your heart health. The device records the activity of your heart that helps determine any kind of cardiac abnormality.

3. Hit the Sack for Seven Hours Daily:

Ample sleep and proper rest are crucial for your heart and overall health. Too little sleep for a longer period may take a toll on your heart, especially if you are already at risk of heart disease. You must sleep at least 7 hours, no matter how less you worked during the day. If you had a busy, tiring day, it becomes even more necessary for you to get ample rest and sleep. People who do not sleep enough and have metabolic syndrome are more likely to die of a stroke or heart disease.

4. Manage Stress and Be Happy:

Allowing the stress to get on your nerves will gradually decrease the number of years you can live. Anxiety and stress significantly increase your heart rate, which poses a higher risk of strokes and heart attacks. Always keep calm and manage your stress effectively. Try to get back to the relaxed state of mind as soon as possible after experiencing anything stressful. Try to stay happy and enjoy your life to the fullest to keep your heart healthy. Just 15 minutes of daily laughing can boost your blood flow by 22 percent.

5. Be Smart About Drinking:

Research has revealed that moderate drinking is linked to lower risk of some heart conditions such as angina (chest pain), stroke, peripheral artery disease, and heart attack. However, the concept of moderate drinking should not be misunderstood. Moderate drinking is no more than 14 units of alcohol a week, and one unit stands for 8 grams of pure alcohol. A pint of beer contains three units while a glass of wine has about two units. Heavy drinking is related to increased risk of heart diseases, including stroke, cardiac arrest, and heart failure. Therefore, if you never drink, then you should neither develop the habit of drinking as there are more safer and healthy ways to prevent heart diseases that don’t involve the risks of alcohol.

Author's Bio: 

Luna Dean is journalist and professional writer. She loves to write about trending topics.