Tummy fat is an issue for most people, especially women, and it's one of those things that just won't go away. I consistently hear women and even men complaining about the extra tummy fat that they can't get rid of. The belly area is a fat storage "pocket" area for fat. This extra layer has proven to be very stubborn when trying to get rid of it from your body. These four tips may help you banish belly fat forever!

1. Drink Your Water - Getting yourself fully hydrated will not only expel any water weight you're holding on to but can also help your metabolism run faster. Water is a huge contributor to your metabolism. Your body can't process the food you take in correctly and turn it into energy if you aren't fully hydrated. So give yourself a boost by making sure you're always drinking your water. Jump starting your metabolism may help you rid your body of those few extra pounds that are sitting on your tummy.

2. Eat Healthy, Fresh, Whole Foods - Stick to lean protein, fresh fruits and vegetables, monounsaturated fats and whole grains. This one isn't rocket science but it may be one of the most important tips to take to heart. When you have a fat storage such as the belly, outer or inner thighs and under the arms (triceps area), one of the only ways to get rid of that last little bit of fat is to reign in your eating habits. Eliminate processed foods and foods high in sodium from your diet. Make sure your portions are in control and eat the freshest of whole foods for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

3. Institute a No Alcohol Rule - This one is boring for the social life but if you're truly serious about getting rid of your tummy fat you'll need to cut way down on your alcohol intake. I don't believe in completely depriving yourself so we'll say alcohol is allowed on one day each week. All other days should be alcohol free. Unfortunately, alcohol is going to dehydrate your body causing you to retain water. This means you may have a little pouch around the tummy just from alcohol consumption. Get rid of alcohol until the tummy fat is gone and then add it back in with control and moderation.

4. Tone & Strengthen - While there is no such thing as "spot toning", it is still important to strengthen the abdominal area. You want those muscles to be strong and healthy so that they are working and burning calories. Plus, once you get rid of the extra tummy layer, you'll want a nice toned and conditioned muscle underneath to show off.

Losing the extra tummy fat takes dedication and consistency. You may have to give up some of the things you love like alcohol, desserts or snacks to truly focus on your diet and finally get rid of the extra fat. You can do it but you will also need to be patient. This may take time so hang in there and give yourself a few months to see some progress. Your hard work will eventually be rewarded!

Author's Bio: 

Margot Rutigliano is a freelance writer as well as the owner of Vita Vie Retreat. She has been a fitness trainer, wellness coach and healthy living adviser since 1999. Vita Vie Retreat is a fitness retreat offering healthy lifestyle transformation programs for men and women of all ages and fitness levels. For more information or to contact Ms. Rutigliano, please visit http://www.bvretreat.com.