The prostate is one of the essential organs of men, and it is easy to suffer from many diseases. For various types of prostate diseases, many patients will confuse them and even think that most of the prostate related conditions are related to "sex." They have a deep aversion to this and even dare not to treat them. It is a wrong idea.
There are essential differences between prostatitis and benign prostatic hyperplasia, which are easily confused. The etiology and pathology are not necessarily related. Now, let's take a look at the specific differences between them.
1. Different causes
The causes of prostatitis and prostatic hyperplasia are very complicated. Among them, prostatitis is mainly due to pathogen infection and dysuria, resulting from varied reasons. People will regard prostatitis as a venereal disease because prostatitis can be caused by too frequent sexual life and unclean sexual life.
Although there is no specific explanation for BPH's pathogenesis, it can be inferred that it is caused by the imbalance of epithelial and stromal cells, hormone proliferation or withering, which has no connection with sexual life and bacterial infection.
2. Different symptoms
Prostatitis is mainly inflamed, so its main symptoms are chills and fever, weakness of limbs and abdominal pain, which occurs mostly in the body. There is no trend of outward development.
However, on the contrary, BPH is mainly external manifestations of frequent urination, urgency, urinary incontinence and increased number of waking up at night. This situation is more likely to be found by patients.
3. Different diagnoses
Prostatitis is an infectious disease. In the process of diagnosis, men need to carry out a comprehensive examination of the genitourinary system. However, prostatic hyperplasia is a chronic disease that the elderly will suffer from, so the examination scope is more extensive. All organs of the body should be checked in place to prevent cell proliferation.
4. Different treatment
According to the disease symptoms, the treatment of prostatitis is mainly to avoid bacterial infection, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory. Therefore, treating prostatitis mostly relies on drug treatment to control the spread of bacterial infection. This drug requires doctors to make specific prescription treatment according to patients' specific situation.
Of course, recurrent prostatitis can be treated with traditional Chinese medicine. People who do not like the side effects of Western medicine can consider it. Traditional Chinese medicine treatment of prostatitis, especially nonbacterial prostatitis, is mainly for clearing away heat, diuresis, and purging lymph to improve the internal heat phenomenon of patients and gradually reduce the symptoms of patients. A safe and effective herbal medicine is Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill.
It can comprehensively improve the prostate's internal and external state, eliminate inflammation, and recover the prostate gland. It can also effectively solve the problem of prostate drug penetration and drug absorption. The powerful drug can directly reach the affected area so that the sexual dysfunction caused by it can be recovered, and urination is smooth, energy is full, sexual function is fully recovered. And the discomfort caused by prostate disease is eliminated.
For severe prostatitis, if the drug treatment is not effective, surgical treatment to remove the prostate can achieve the purpose of cure. However, this treatment is not recommended unless it is necessary.
The treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia should have a preliminary observation process to see whether the disease needs medicine or surgery. Mild cases can be improved by changing living habits. At the same time, surgical treatment is an essential treatment for benign prostatic hyperplasia, which can be appropriately selected according to the condition.
These are the four differences between prostatitis and benign prostatic hyperplasia. Because they have the same symptoms, even without symptoms, so it still needs specific examination to determine.
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