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This article is a continuation from the previous article #3-Building your dream whilst working full-time? Get this No. THREE investment right. Let’s reset the scene if you’re brand new here, if you have read the article, you can go straight to Investment no.3

If I say the word “investment”, what comes up for you?

For some, it brings images of property, money, men or women in suits or graphs. For others, it could be words such as risk, loss & gain, strategy, growth or numbers.

When you decide to build up your dream, you may do so swiftly and effectively while still working full time at your current job. That’s when the word “investment” will take a whole new meaning for you. During this transition time to setting up your own business orjob or career change, you will need the appropriate investment portfolio. In my book Passion Pays, I refer to four specific types of investments that you will need to manage. I am laying them out to you, each in one article. In this article, let’s view the third investment. Are you ready?

Not so fast. Just like any journey, before we set off, let’s check that you are fully equipped:

- Belief in your dream? Check.
- Awareness of your emotional reason, your ‘Why?’. Check.
- Willing AND ready to commit? Check.
- Read investment no.1? Check.
- Read investment no.2? Check.
- Read investment no.3? Check.

Now, we’re ready. So, the fourth of the four investments.

Investment no. 4: YOUR FINANCES

Learn to grow and get rich slowly, and you will. With patience, effort and character on your side, you can approach the economic aspect of your journey with serenity. You may decide that your current’s job purpose is just to pay the bills. In fact, it is a very common strategy. Do not be afraid to make such
a decision, it is not only practical, it is wise. While you’re working full-time, appreciate your job for the purpose you give it. Please understand that whatever you do to support your dream is a contributor to your dream. Simply make sure that working to pay the bills does NOT take 100% of your time and effort. You need a regular and fair amount of these two resources to invest in yourself, your number one and biggest investment.

If your income is the same or reduced and your financial expenses increase to invest in yourself, you need to adopt the old adage “a penny saved is a penny earned.” Planning for the mid- or long term
requires a visionary approach towards the accumulation of your money. Rational saving will contribute much more to your fulfilment than irrational spending. Remember to apply the opportunity and growth mindset (which I explain in Passion Pays): looking for ways to create and save money rather than worrying about finances.

If you are used to gratify every caprice; if you have caviar taste on a chips budget, brace yourself. At first you will find it difficult to cut futile expenses. However, as you do this, you also build your character in terms of self-sufficiency, resourcefulness, temperance, humility and integrity; and you free yourself from the need to impress others and keep up appearances.

In any case, if the investment you make lacks weight, make sure you get support from the right people. Getting support is instrumental in following your dream. You are not alone and you do not need to be. The golden rule about support is to A.S.K: Appeal to Someone who Knows. After all, when you become self-employed, you will almost literally be a one-man band.

Take time to digest and plan your four investments. If you want more inspiration to build your dream, go ahead and download a free sample from my book Passion Pays, on which this article is based and where I go into much more detail.

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Author's Bio: 

Let’s change the world of work. My mission is to transform the sleep walkers and the living dead at work into the talented, purposeful creators of the world they really are. Do you know anyone in the media, business, career or humanitarian fields who feels the same? They may want to hear from me and I’d love to hear from them. If that’s you, even better. Please get in touch.

My name is Genevieve de Lacaze. I'm just a regular girl. changing the world. one passion at a time. I love passionate conversations and ventures. Here are some labels and links if you want to learn more:

Author, broadcaster, speaker, international uplifter, tennis coach, drums player.

Download FREE chapters of my book Passion Pays at www.passionpaysbook.com

Listen and enjoy FREE episodes of my radio show at www.getpassionateradio.com

Download FREE resources and more articles at www.gdltransitions.com