Part of being an attractive and seductive man is being entirely content with who you are. Happiness is rarely mentioned in seduction blogs or websites and this fascinates me. How can we possibly expect to meet and attract, date, marry, or seduce women when we are not happy with ourselves and our own lives? Recent studies suggest there are a few ways to make you happier with who you are and your life.

A study at University of Texas Southwestern concluded that the sole use of exercise significantly reduced depression in 50 percent in individuals who participated in 30-minute aerobic exercise sessions three times a week. This result astounded psychologists and scientists who found nearly the exact result when treating depression with anti-depressant medication and cognitive therapy. It should come as no surprise exercise is more natural than taking drugs.

This point is illustrated beautifully by one of Harvard's most popular Professors Al Ben Shaher. In one of his lectures, Shaher explains the importance of exercise suggesting that it is not merely an anti-depressant but rather what we were born to do. And if you think about it, he is dead right.

For thousands and thousands of years humans have been hunters, gatherers, builders, etc. We had to be active. If we were not, we wouldn't survive. It was as simple as that. And because we have constantly been moving and active, that need has been genetically ingrained in us. Think about it... For no longer than 100 years has technology allowed us to STOP being active to still provide and survive in the world we live in.

I wont get too spiritual on you here so I will say this: Meditation has been scientifically proven to change your brain chemistry in a positive, beneficial way. To be more specific, one recent research project found in an 8 week study of meditation significant changes in the left pre-frontal cortex which, if you have any background in biopsychology, you know this is the location where positive feelings are derived.

Simple taking 20 minutues out of your day to meditate and positvely reflect on the day, you can significantly improve your level of happiness. Not sure how to meditate there is some great information at
An alternative to pure meditation is yoga, which also provides a good workout and an excellent chance to meet some healthy women as well.

It has been claimed that you are never actually living until you know you are dying. Though an interesting dichotomy, I too have heard of and met people who see the world differently when they know their time is limited. The air smells a bit better. The sun shines a bit brighter. Everything they sense becomes all that more important. Why can't we all feel this enlightenment on a regular basis? Well we can , we simply have to appreciate what we have.

My advice to you is to write down every night 4 or 5 things you are grateful for. Study after study reveals this technique constantly raises the level of happiness in ones life. It doesn't matter if they are the same things every night. Still write them down.

Author's Bio: 

Attractology is a seduction, dating and art of attraction website. We help men become successful with women. (