Investing hard earned dollars for insurance marketing, and getting nothing in return? You can get the leads you want without spending one penny more. That is, if you change how you’re currently structuring your marketing messages so they become lead producing magnets rather than money sucking duds.

It doesn’t matter if you’re using: radio, TV, direct mail, networking etc. you can make some minor changes in your messages and start getting the leads you want. Spending money on insurance marketing messages that don’t do any more than “get your name out their” or “build your brand” is nonsensical. That doesn’t fill your appointment book with people who want to do business with you. That leaves you with no alternative but to do the high activity low value things you’re doing now like cold calling.

Take any and all of your insurance marketing messages and add these three steps: an irresistible valuable offer, a clear reason to do something now, and specific instructions on what to do. The irresistible valuable offer should be something your prospects really want, something that would make things easier for them, and something they just can’t get everywhere else. You know your customers, what do they ask you about and how could you turn that into something someone would want? This might be a report, white paper, guide, video, audio or something else that makes something easier, better, more user friendly, etc.

Provide a reason for them to take action on your offer that you’ve included in your insurance marketing. Even when you come up with a great offer if people have all the time in the world to respond, they don’t. Why? Because they procrastinate, forget, or lose the information they needed to take the action. The less time you give them to do something the better.

Don’t forget to tell them exactly how to act. Never allow them to guess what you want them to do. Tell them flat out in no uncertain terms. And finally, make sure you can track and measure and follow-up and follow through on all your insurance marketing efforts.

It can be a little scary thinking through all this by yourself and wondering if you’re on the right track. You may not even know where to start. That’s where it helps to have a little guidance to get you to make steady improvements and progress in your insurance marketing. There are many opportunities for you to get the help you need.

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