Happy New Year… 2010!!!
A year in Pre-view… rRe-view… Now View.
Let Doom & Gloom become Zoom & & Bloom!!
Dreams flying… Choose as you Create.
New Year’s Eve starts off with a Full Blue Moon & Lunar Eclipse, 4 planets in Tropical Capricorn, & Mercury in Retrograde until January 15th.
It is both a culmination & a beginning time… a good time to look at the structure of what our new year might be like. Imagine it.
1000 years ago today, the date was: 01.01.1010.
Astrology is an evolving art, based on astronomical information & the observance of planetary cycles. If you like that kind of thing, read on. If not, be warned this is a many-paged document that may leave side effects of mind expansion the writer cannot be held responsible for. Ha!
Mercury appears to go retrograde from our perspective for about 3 weeks, 3 times a year. Capricorn (a sign representing structure, tradition, & achievement) is highlighted this first time Mercury goes into retrograde. While traveling through Tropical Capricorn… our goals could benefit from re-doing, fixing, & fine tuning our gadgets & communications. Writers… edit, thinkers think, tinkers tink. It’s the practical 3 this year (with all Mercury Retrogrades happening in Tropical Earth signs until Dec 2010…when we get a slightly different mental perspective).
Mercury is making a conjunction to the North Node in these early days of 2010. The North Node is a point in space. It is a mathematical point that takes into account the relationship between the Sun, Moon, and Earth. The Moon's nodes are the points where the Moon's orbit intersects the plane of the ecliptic. Astrologically, it has to do with our destiny, our path of growth, & spiritual integration.
Because Mercury is retrograde as it is aligned with the North Node in these first days of the year, significant communications can come from internal places as well real conversations. Uranus (the planet of change) is making a harmonious aspect to Mercury & the North Node, so pay attention to your intuition, dreams, & ideas. Allow synchronicities & insights to come from unlikely places. Woo Hoo!
And now… into the New Year…
What we do today decides our tomorrow. These days in 2010 begin some first real steps, as a people… not just theorizing, but actually doing.
Cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, & Capricorn) begin seasons. They are starting points. In 2010… we’ll have a number of outer planets traveling through Cardinal Signs & making angular aspects to each other. With the configuration of these outer planets, the lore suggests that we are coming to a beginning… collectively.
Mark this as a time of intention… where we find new purpose, allow our wills to come forth, consciously re-shape ourselves, & change on a personal level.
The Past…
2010 marks a culminating period of time that is Astrologically similar to “The Great Depression” of the 1930’s. Back then, Pluto in Tropical Cancer made a square (90 degree angle) to Uranus in Tropical Aries, which made a square to Saturn in Tropical Capricorn. Astrologers call this a T-square… a very dynamic aspect.
While the 1930’s were wrought with economic hardships, many incredible things also came out of that time period. “The New Deal” put #’s of people back to work & the USA had its first & only fully funded government Arts Program (which lasted 3 years). People had to find ways to rely on each other & work together more (whether it was for food or family). The electron microscope was invented (1931), black & white TV showed up on the scene, drive-in movie theatres came into being (1933), nylon for panty hose was created (1938), & the photocopier was born (1938). “Superman” also had his first appearance in action comics & a gallon of gas cost 10 cents.
So gas is a tad more expensive, but our present time period is similar in that it has been super challenging on the world economic stage… as well as being a bit of a wake-up call to all of us (in regard to the environment & on many other levels).
Now is a time to make fundamental changes in who we are & how we live.
This is the beginning of an era that presents us with the possibility to be our own “Super People.” Oh yea…
Most Recent Now Past (2009)…
The stage for change has been set by the Saturn-Uranus opposition… in mutable Virgo/Pices (Tropically) in this past year. It has been a dance of old ways versus new ways… of wanting our new vision to happen already, but needing to make concerted effort to make real bridges from the past to the future.
The last time that Saturn & Uranus were in opposition in Virgo & Pices was early 1964 to early 1967. Those of us born in those years have been experiencing our “Uranus Oppositions” & our “Saturn Oppositions” simultaneously.
The Uranus Opposition is known as mid-life crisis by normal people… & termed “The Great Awakening” by Astrologers.
Saturn Oppositions can indicate important changes and awareness of our future goals… & embracing responsibilities on a whole new level.
In some way, the souls born in 2009 have a lot in common with those of us born in the mid-1960’s. We share a need to follow the rules, but just far enough to allow us to learn how to break them. Ha!
This is part of the process we have all been living through in the past year.
Altering our habits by shifting in small ways has been part of this painstaking process (details needing so much attention). Making adjustments in minor matters is an exercise in flexibility that enables more dramatic changes to be skillfully handled later.
We’ve been chipping away at crystallized habits now, so that we can immerge as flying wonders later.
This past year… & a bit of Now…
Jupiter’s passage through Aquarius has already opened up the collective mind, but its conjunctions with Neptune (“God of the Sea, The Dissolver, and Planet of Compassion & Illusion”) symbolize a wide antenna that is designed to gather input without narrowing it to one single point of focus. It has been a broad stream we have been swimming in. For those of us with Aquarius prominent in our charts… our “Lucky Jupiter Transit” has been like a swim through a Sea of Possibilities… hopefully with the best of realities emerging (at least, conceptually).
Up & Coming 2010…
Now, we have Pluto (“Lord of the Underworld”) in the dark winter sign of Capricorn. Pluto is about descent into the mines and the shadow worlds where metaphorical death precedes a rebirth.
Pluto will be traveling through Capricorn for 14 years (until January of 2024). Seeing Capricorn as a step toward Aquarius… is one way to see this time period as laying the groundwork for a future we can all be happy & proud to inhabit.
Saturn rules Capricorn & is also the traditional ruler of Aquarius, yet the 2 are very different energies.
Saturn’s role is to bring order. In Capricorn, we see this through structures, politics, discipline & practical matters. We don’t usually see Aquarius as orderly, but both signs are group oriented signs that seek organization and common ground.
The difference is that Capricorn initiates… & gathers collective force to apply group energy in a unified direction. Aquarius gathers (or harmonizes) collective force to apply it in every possible direction. Fun!
Capricorn is single-tracked. Aquarius is multi-tracked. Unity through diversity establishes a multi-faceted foundation for the next leap. So yes… Act Locally & Think Globally. Finding happiness & health within… & know that it helps us all.
Geek Note:
The Mayans talk about this 2nd to last phase as the phase of “Unity” which culminates on February 11th, 2011 according to their calendar. According to them, February of 2011 is when we begin our last phase of creating “Universal Consciousness” before the end of “The Great Cycle.” Now is the phase of “Unity.” So many stories making one epic world story.
Saturn in Libra…
Saturn entered Tropical Libra on October 29th, 2009 and will be there until October of 2012. They say that a key to using Saturn in Libra is the ability to accept contrast. Rather than pitting one side against another, its gift is to recognize that every pair of opposites occupies the same circle, that they are two sides of the same coin.
The centered calmness of Libra’s cool air is something we can practice by stepping back from conflict or, at least by taking a moment’s pause… and one conscious breath… before jumping in.
Accepting our own contradictions is part of this transit. See where we are so we can see where we want to be.
Libra’s need for negotiation and renegotiation is not about failing to choose or commit; it’s a means for expanding the field of choice so that polarization is less likely.
The last time Saturn was in Libra was the Fall of 1980 to the end of 1982. For people born during those years, you will be experiencing what Astrologers call, “The Saturn Return”… a testing time that provides you an opportunity to grow beyond where you’ve been. For these people & those of us with Libra highlighted in our charts… embracing the lessons of Saturn (discipline) & allowing yourself to manifest your dreams in some real way is part of this transit. Take care. Eat well.
Those people born between August 1951 and October 1953 also share Saturn in Libra… a place it returns to every 29 years.
Jupiter in Pices…
Jupiter (planet of Luck & Expansion) enters Pices on January 17th, 2010 and stays there until June 5th, 2010. For those of us with Pices highlighted in our charts, we are lucky ducks! This is a very challenging year for most people… & yet… people with Pices energy will likely somehow benefit through this time period. We feel our way & choose well.
On September 8th, 2010… Jupiter re-enters the latter degrees of Pices (until the end of the year).
Jupiter enters Aries (& joins Uranus)…
Jupiter travels through Tropical Aries from June 6th, 2010 to September 7th, 2010… (& again from January 22nd-June 4th, 2011). This is a time period where we will all likely be processing new & different kinds of information.
When Jupiter (the planet of the higher mind) joins Uranus (the Planet of Change) in Aries on June 6th, 2010… it will be like getting a new computer chip for our brains. We may be able to think faster, allowing us to recognize patterns and energies that previously escaped detection. Aries people, your lives are about to change!
Uranus is still in Pices…
We are now still in the process of creating the “Innernet.” For the last 7 years, Uranus has been traveling through Pices. We have been finding friends from our past… “chatting” at all hours, sharing our lives & thoughts (no matter where we live)… & doing it through electric particles.
Uranus goes into Aries…
Uranus makes a brief visit to Tropical Aries from May 27th to August 12th, 2010. It will be a preview of what’s to come.
Uranus in Aries represents a faster frequency of experience that will demand more of our nervous systems. Saturn in Libra is the insulation that will allow our wires to carry these messages without burning us out. Prepare to think faster by slowing down the pace of fear.
This “inventive energy” (Uranus) will return to the pioneering sign of Tropical Aries on March 11, 2011. It will then be there for a 7-year stay.
Like a rocket ship ride of rapid or unexpected transformations, the future will be coming so fast that outdated concepts could be flying out the window at faster-than-light propulsion (beyond warp speed, Scottie).
Immediacy… Eternal Now… burning up old memories and tossing out future expectations. Develop your calm center in these early days & you are likely to be able to more easily embrace changes as they come later.
Jupiter & Uranus Conjunct in Aries… & 2010 T-square
This Jupiter/Uranus conjunction begins on June 6th, 2010… & makes an opposition to Saturn… & a square to Pluto by July & August of 2010…. completing this era’s T-square.
This is the other end of a Pluto cycle… with Pluto now opposite where it was in the 1930’s. Although Pluto has been demoted to “dwarf planet” classification, it is still considered the “Lord of the Underworld & the Planetary Body of Transformation” by Astrologers. It is opposite where is was in the 1930’s… and making significant square aspects to the same planets as it did back then.
Because Pluto is at the heart of this up & coming aspect, it is a societal transformation that we are witnessing & part of co-creating.
We are approaching a time of major transformation as a people. The answers we need our within us. The challenge is to re-evaluate who we think we are & what we call reality.
The meaning we seek will be found beyond the boundaries of the known, on the perilous edges where certainty crumbles. We are all agents of change… creating the future & the best of all possibilities.
In a regular birth chart, the pathway to resolution of a T-square is to see where the aspect would make a complete square (form stability). Look at where the sign of Cancer resides in your birth chart to find a focus for helping to personally resolve the up & coming challenges of 2010.
Jupiter/Uranus Conjunction in Pices
The last 2 Jupiter/Uranus conjunctions are in fuzzy Pisces (September 18, 2010 through Jan 22nd, 2011). This aspect may show us some interesting possibilities. The growing potential for both genius and madness can stir up extreme ideas… giving us glimpses of what could be, but not what must be.
Find a truth that includes the perspectives of both mind & heart. Go Team!
Neptune, the only outer planet that is not a part of the Cardinal T-square of 2010, serves as a buffer to the winds of change to come.
This ethereal planet is floating through intellectual/intuitive Aquarius until April 4, 2011. Then, it enters its home sign of Pisces until August 5th, 2011.
Neptune enjoys a retrograde return to Aquarius until Feb 3rd of 2012. By February 4th of 2012, Neptune will again enter its home sign of Pices… & for a 14- year stay.
For now… We are still envisioning how the future can be. We have the freedom to become who & what we want to be… to salvage the grim scenarios reported by mainstream media… use our collective visionary abilities, & make the best of the cards we have in our hands. Oh yea…
Tricia Riel has been studying & teaching Western Astrology for over 20 years and has practiced as a professional Astrologer in the Bay Area for many of those years. She is an Actor, Voice-over, & Children's Book Author. She does Astrological counseling and chart interpretation for individuals and couples, writes Astrologically-inspired rhyming poems, teaches Astrology classes, and also works as an Astrological Reader at parties.
You can check out her Voice-over demos, photos, & sample chapters of "Zephrum Gates & The Mysterious Purple Haze" at http://www.ZephrumGates.com
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