You can use any e commerce marketing platform promotion channels but the traditional ones for the e-commerce ad are:
• search engine optimization
• promotion in social networks
• e-mail marketing.
1. Write tweets.
Make sure that more than 20% of your tweets are viral in nature – they are so interesting to users that they will spread them on the Internet on their goodwill.
2. After posting a tweet, subscribe to the newsfeed of those people who may be interested in your tweet.
Find on Twitter those people whose profiles indicate the interests relevant to your tweet. Then subscribe to their newsfeed.
3. Share information with a wide audience.
Applying an advanced search on Twitter or the service, you will find accounts of people with a large number of subscribers. Pick the most relevant, “point-like” search queries to find people to whom your information may actually be useful and interesting.
4. Mention people from your list of subscribers.
The e-commerce ads method is identical to #3. However, here you are working with your list of followers on Twitter. Segment them using the service and Mention one or two of your subscribers in the following tweet to get their attention.
5. Paste quotes from your article into tweets.
Insert into the tweets the wittiest statements, shocking facts or statistics contained in your article. You will receive new transitions and will achieve increased resource click-ability.
6. Intrigue.
Post tweets without revealing the essence of your content. For example: “I'm in shock. It really works.” Some people will go to your site out of curiosity.
7. Use hashtags.
The hashtags make your tags visible for search but do not insert a lot of hashtags in a row – this can be misleading for users.
8. Cross-marketing.
If people indicated on Facebook that they like your page, thank them on Twitter.
9. Meta-promotion.
If the post begins to gain popularity, report it: ‘There were 20 comments this morning. What do you think?’
10. Tweets for the near future.
Make a list of tweets for the near future. Time should be chosen based on information about the highest traffic.
11. Tweets for the distant future.
If the information in a post is most likely to remain relevant after six months, you can schedule such a post for publication after 6 months or more.
12. Post to Facebook.
Be sure to upload pictures. Check the picture of the person mentioned in the article. Ask your users, friends, acquaintances to comment on the post, put a Like.
13. Post to your blog.
The graphical information and humor are especially important here.
14. Post to other social media.
The rule is the same as with most popular Facebook: post with pictures, mark people, engage users in discussions. If you have a business page, first publish a post on it, and then share the post on your personal page.
15. Update LinkedIn Status.
Keep being active in all social networks.
16. Post in LinkedIn groups.
Share content with a professional audience, for example, post a link in LinkedIn groups. You can get high-quality feedback and use new data to improve your content. It is better to do this before you publish the content and start promoting it.
17. Post photos on Instagram.
Post photos and tweets with reference to the article, use hashtags.
18. Add content to Pinterest.
Infographics, photos and any other visual content can be added to this service.
19. Use Twitter to test headlines.
If the number of subscribers is enough, you are tracking Twitter click statistics and your tweets contain a variety of information – spend A/B testing the title: the tweet that your audience has liked the most can be used for the title of your email newsletter.
20. Questions and answers.
Look for forums and sites where users ask questions that your post can be the answer to. Post it and link to your article.
Professional Content Writer, SEO Expert and good experience in Digital Marketing.
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