There were times when people would opt for a job and they’d be selected on the basis of their merit and professional degrees alone. That was a time when the world of technology had not advanced as much as it today has. With so many MNCs coming up in bulk the job prospects sure have grown but the IT sector doesn’t need the degrees alone. They are in want of specific skills and qualifications pertaining to a vast field of IT knowledge. These are the times when the computers have become irreplaceable parts of our daily lives. So much is the credibility of the companies dependent upon the computers that there is hardly anything that computers are not put a use to. And of course they are backbones of the IT industry.

The growth of IT sector has substantially improved the job prospects in the companies. However there is always a need for an appropriately certified and rated candidate who can get into the business. For this there are a plenty of certifications available across the internet. You can get your hands on some of these fifteen certifications for the current year to help you achieve and secure a job at the developing and growing IT sectors in the market.

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eduCBA is a leading global provider of skill based education. It offers amazing 1700+ courses across 10+ verticals prepared by top notch professionals from the Industry which are job oriented skill based programs demanded by the Industry. Through its online feature you can learn at any time & anyplace so plan your study to suit your convenience and schedule.