Article marketing is a method of online and offline marketing in which you write informative articles and make them available for reprint and distribution to various webmasters and print publications. If your article is well-written and contains helpful information it has the potential to give you an enormous amount of exposure for your business. These articles can also help build your reputation as an authority in your field which can help bring you more customers.
Many people have doubts when it comes to writing and distributing articles but with a little time and effort it can be done. Below are ten tips for establishing your article marketing campaign.
1. Keep It Simple – Craft articles that are simple and straightforward. Be sure it contains relevant and helpful information for your readers. There is no need for big, fancy words. Write as if you were simply telling a friend all about the article subject. Let your personality shine through in your words and watch your article come alive!
2. Research Thoroughly – One mistake some people make is to publish information that is outdated or inaccurate. Be sure to research all your facts and be sure everything is up to date and accurate.
3. Keywords – Using relevant keywords in your writing is important for search engine placement so people can find your articles more often. But do not make the mistake of overloading your articles with keywords and phrases to the point that your article will not be well-written or make any sense. Be sure to read your finished article and watch for keyword overload.
4. Attention Grabbing Titles – Your article title could be the deciding factor to whether or not your article gets read. I know when I am sifting through articles the title is what helps me decide which article to read. Use power words in your title to grab and hold a person’s interest.
For example:
Which article would interest you more?
“10 Ways to Increase Your Income”
“10 Guaranteed Ways to Make Money Now”
Both sound interesting but I would probably go after the second title. It has that something extra that gets my attention. Using power words like “Guaranteed” and “Now” will spark emotion in the reader and draw them in.
5. Always Proofread – Even though you are writing an article containing basic information, you want it to look and sound professional. Be sure to use proper grammar and make sure all words are spelled correctly. Unfortunately I have seen some articles that looked as if a 5 year old had written it. Please be sure to check it over at least once. I like to proofread twice as I have missed a thing or two over the years.
6. Effective Resource Box – Always write your resource box in third person format. You want your name to get etched into the reader’s memory. Tell a little about yourself and then list a compelling reason for people to visit your site/business.
Jane Doe has 15 years experience as a business coach and has worked extensively with major corporations. Visit Jane’s site for free information on how to improve your business and her award-winning book on how to triple your company’s sales. Add your link here.
7. Quality Not Quantity – Some people will say to submit your article to as many places as possible, but I disagree. I would submit each article to a dozen or more of the higher ranked, quality ezine directories. You can see a list of the top ten at my site. It would be impossible, time-wise to submit to all the article directories so making a list of the top 10 or 20 or so would be the best thing to do. I personally submit my articles to a list of 30 with the top one being EzineArticles.
8. Social Bookmarking – Social bookmarking is a way for people to share your articles with friends and/or business associates. This can greatly increase the power of your article. One of the best sites for social bookmarking beginners is Blinklist.
Some others are:
9. Follow Guidelines – All article directories will have guidelines for you to follow. Be sure and abide by each site’s guidelines or your article will be rejected. Most directories will require a 500 word minimum with links only being allowed in your resource box. Do not put your site info or link in the article body. Most sites will not allow links of any kind in the article body.
10. Article Spinning: Good or Bad? – Article spinning is taking an article, and using software to change parts of it in an attempt to make it another unique article. In doing so, one article can become 5 or 10 (so-called) unique articles. To me, this is the lazy way of writing articles and in my opinion does not do much for your reputation. Some people say it works for them but it is something I would neither do nor recommend. Writing a true unique quality article can be done in an hour or two and will be much more beneficial than wringing out one article to try to get several.
I have been writing articles for about 12 years or so and still try to learn more on how to improve my article marketing. The above ten tips will go a long way in improving your article marketing success. Much luck to you in your campaign efforts.
About the Author:
Terri Seymour has over twelve years of online experience and has helped many people start their own business. Visit her site for free articles, resources, information, resell ebooks and more. Sign up for the RSS Feed for a free business ebook with MRR.
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