You can demonstrate your love for the special woman in your life in a number of small ways. Flowers and candy on special occasions are always nice but you can also surprise a woman by offering smaller gestures on a daily basis. She will appreciate your thoughtfulness and understand that you are trying to show her how much she means to you.

One incredibly nice thing to do for her is simply to ask her how her day was and listen intently to her answer. Women enjoy talking about their personal issues and expressing an interest in her career or other areas of interest will be greatly appreciated. Listening carefully to her will let her know that you are interested in her thoughts and care about her feelings.

Cooking for a woman is another incredibly nice thing that you can do for her. Most women are the primary cooks in the relationship and giving her a night off from her usual kitchen duties is always a welcomed gesture. Don’t worry if you don’t know how to cook, it’s really not that hard. There are many cook books and Internet sites that offer a wide variety or recipes. Pick one that sounds interesting and follow the instructions carefully.

Remembering and celebrating a small occasion is another nice gesture that women appreciate. It’s always nice to celebrate on big occasions but if you remember the anniversary of another special day the woman in your life will be completely caught by surprise. For example celebrate the anniversary of the day you brought home your new puppy with a trip to a dog park.

Another incredibly nice thing to do for a woman is to give her compliments when they are unexpected. Women expect compliments when they put a lot of effort into their appearance but letting her know you think she is beautiful while she’s running errands, demonstrates that you see her inner beauty shining through at all times. Compliments don’t always have to be about physical characteristics either. You could compliment her on her career accomplishments and let her know that you appreciate how hard she works.

Handing over the remote control is another incredibly nice thing you can do for a woman. You may not want to sit through another episode of a home decorating show but allowing the woman in your life to indulge in this without complaining about her choice will show her that you are not belittling her interests.

If you want to do something really nice for the special woman in your life, get to know her family and friends. Woman value their relationships and she will be pleased about the fact that you take an interest in and get to know the other special people in her life. Caring about those that she loves shows her that you love her.(To be continued)

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Author's Bio: 

Dr.jayant kulkarni is relationship counselor for last 20 years especially working on those strained and about to break. Most are success stories of reconciliation.