Tom Hopkins is an authority on the subject of selling. He is known as America's #1 sales trainer. Tom is quick to admit that his early sales career was not successful. In fact, he failed miserably during his first six months of selling. He learned that the secret to high level productivity is combining a desire to sincerely help others make decisions that are good for them with "how to" training.
Tom's sales leadership has changed the lives and careers of millions of salespeople. By utilizing the skills he teaches today, he became a millionaire at age 27. Tom, the author of 17 books, has reached a wide variety of businesses by providing sales training in several mediums. His first book, How to Master the Art of Selling, has sold over 1.7 million copies and is required reading for new salespeople in many industries.
Tom Hopkins International, incorporated in 1976, is dedicated to teaching others through seminars, books, and audio and video training systems. Tom was a pioneer in bringing broadcast-quality video training to the marketplace, and over 16,000 of his video sales training systems are utilized in-house by companies around the world.
Tom firmly believes that everyone can benefit from utilizing his techniques, concepts, and ideas, and today offers his video library via streaming online so it's now readily accessible to the global market. Everyone is in selling whether it's selling yourself into a job, selling ideas and values to loved ones or selling products to clients. So, why not learn the communication skills to do it well?
Tom has personally trained over four million students on five continents. He has shared the stage with some of the great leaders of our times, including Zig Ziglar, former NYC Mayor Rudolph Giuliani, Suze Orman, Robert Kiyosaki and Mark Victor Hansen.
Tom Hopkins conducts over 30 live events each year in major cities around the United States. Each program is taught personally by Tom and includes hours of proven-effective, "how-to" selling strategies.
Tom Hopkins VT (Virtual Training) is a subscription-based program that allows you online access to all of Tom's DVD programs.
You can receive 9 free sales training videos by subscribing at:
Tom Hopkins offers sales training programs, has developed many sales training videos, and has written a number of new books. But the best way to get started is to read Tom's classic book, How to Master the Art of Selling, which he wrote in 1980, has updated several times, and which is still a must-have guide to selling.
For those of you who are not sales people and think that sales skills aren't important for you, I humbly disagree. We are all, at different times of our lives, selling something. We might be selling our ideas to our colleagues or selling ourselves to prospective employers, but in the end, we are always trying to make a sale in some area.
Tom's book is a soup-to-nuts sales guide. It covers a wide variety of topics including:
If you want to know about selling products or services or selling yourself, then How to Master the Art of Selling is the book for you.
ADDRESS: Tom Hopkins International
6501 E Greenway, Suite 103-566
Scottsdale, AZ 85254
PHONE: 1-800-528-0446
FAX: 480-949-1590