I help lawyers, consultants, accountants and other professionals to attract more clients and win more new business.
I’ve been helping some of the world’s leading organisations
with their marketing and sales challenges for over 16 years.
More importantly, I’ve “walked the talk” and sold
multi-million dollar consulting engagements across multiple countries
and cultures.
But in truth, I’m far from a natural salesperson –
in fact it was something of a nasty surprise to me when I realised early
on in my career that in order to progress and do the kind of work I was
interested in, I would need to sell.
But through study, experience, and having some of the best
“rainmakers” in the field as my mentors, I’ve learned what it
takes for even the most reluctant of professionals to become highly
effective at marketing and sales – and that’s what I teach my clients.
My experience has taught me that no two client situations are
exactly alike – and that “canned” or pre-prepared solutions
simply don’t work. When I work with clients I take time to truly
understand their issues and challenges and partner with them to develop
solutions and programmes exactly tailored to their specific needs.
In that way we ensure not only that the concepts and
solutions will work for them – but also that they will be taken on board
enthusiastically and fully adopted by their teams. Without
effective implementation, the greatest ideas in the world won’t bring
any improvements – so I ensure we get full buy-in to deliver the
bottom-line and intangible benefits my clients are looking for.
In recent years I’ve been interviewed on industry and
business issues by the BBC and Business Week magazine.
I write a regular blog (Get Clients) on marketing and sales for professionals. I am
also the editor of Rainmaker Resources – the
leading internet portal for partners, businesses developers and
marketers in Professional Service Firms – featuring reviews, feeds and
links to the leading Professional Services business development
resources on the web. I also run the Rainmaker Network
– the Linkedin Group for professional service business developers.