The ex pediatric nurse turned Martial Arts Instructor
I became a Registerd Nurse in 1990. In my 15 years of experience as a Pediatric ICU and general care Nurse, I have seen an array of treatments for all kinds of diseases and medical ailments….medications, surgeries, phsycological treatments, social work. Some work, some do not. Almost all leave effects on the body and the mind in the aftermath of treatment, whether there are results or not.
I have been a student of the Martial Arts since 1989, and maintained my training while in Nursing school, and throughout my career. I began to realize just how much that physical and mental training has helped me get through school, as well as keep me focused, healthy, and better able to do my job. The principles of my own Martial Arts training were evident in how I cared for my patients and families.
I began to realize that I not only had more passion for Martial Arts, I felt I could impact and help more families in a positive way through MA, specifically families with special need kids. I left the nursing field, and dedicated my life to improving and empowering kids and families through the study of Martial Arts.
It amazes me how often a parent comes into my Academy at the "end of their rope", and in mild desperation say to me, "My son has just got diagnosed with ADD, I heard that Martial Arts could help this." There is no better feeling than to see a child who at first could not focus, look you in the eye, or control herself, over time become a confident, focused and disciplined human being. To know that my program has had that kind of impact on people keeps me going every day.
There are many people who feel that the diagnosis of Attention Defecit Disorder is running rampant these days, and that people are accepting this diagnosis too easily and putting their children on medication too quickly. To a degree, I am in agreement with this philosophy. Without a doubt, there are legitimate cases where a person needs medication to function normally. More often, I have personally cared for and taught children who have been diagnosed with ADD who are functioning very well with alternative therapies, such as Diet, behavioral structure, accupuncture, chiropractic care and a solid Martial Arts Program.