Experience: 14 years
University Degree: Physician and surgeon, academic degree obatained.
Special Studies:
Heart surgeries that are performed with big success in Guatemala:
Heart Bypass
(starting at US $20,000 performed by Dr. Rodolfo Bonilla in Guatemala. For more information, please call our toll free number 800.959.02.84. International callers: (502) E-mail: info@angelsabroad.com)
Description: When heart artery is obstructed due to fat accumulation, a coronary bypass is necessary, which consists in sewing one area of leg vein (saphenous vein), or other part of the body to create a new blood circulation route to the heart.
Requiered days in Guatemala: 14
Suggested stay length: 21 days
Number of trips to Guatemala: 1
Necessary rest time: 14 days
Anesthesia: Sedation
Surgery's duration: Up to 4 hours
Pre-operative care: Keep taking medicaments up to surgery date. Interrupt taking aspirin and clopidogrel (platelet drugs) at least for 10 days before surgery.
Post-operative care: No lifting heavy objects. Protect breastbone in case of frequent cough. Follow cardiologist instructions.
Diet: Low fat food. Food containing protein. Food with low sugar level. No eating fried food. No eating highly seasoning food.
Recommendations: Exercise for recovery.
Side Effects: Dizziness. Headache. Sporadic Nauseas
Complications: Post operative bleeding. Malignant Arrhythmia. Infection of injury surgery and left inferior member (from saphenous veins are taken (veins that run through leg).
Notes: All injuries are sutured that are not necessary to be removed (Body absorbs them).
Coronary Angeoplasty
(performed by Dr. Gustavo Soto Mora in Guatemala. For price please call our toll free number 800.959.02.84. International callers: (502) E-mail: info@angelsabroad.com)
Description: Dilatation of obstructive plaquets in coronary artery through stent baloons.
Requiered days in Guatemala: 7
Suggested stay length: 7 days
Number of trips to Guatemala: 1
Necessary rest time: 24 days
Anesthesia: Local
Surgery's duration: 1 hour
Pre-operative care: none.
Post-operative care: Bed rest.
Diet: Normal.
Recommendations: Limited activities for 4-5 days.
Side Effects: None.
Complications: Local effects, local bleeding, hematoms, cardiac arrithmya , infart, death.