Born in Brooklyn, New York- October 1966.
For the past four years studied Female Ejaculation tallying thousands of hours, reading and examining everything in print, video and on the Net, both real and fake.
Eric's dream is to be a guest on The Howard Stern Show, or Chelsea Lately knowing they are of the few broadcasters out there with the gumption to talk about this subject of female ejaculation. Potentially bringing it to the forefront of the public eye.
Over the past year has redirected himself into educating the masses on the concept and reality of female ejaculation. Discussing the topic with literally thousands of men and women, as well as many real Medical Doctors which he is not, The Squirt Dr. is a pen name, based on what student men and women call him.
Eric feels there has been considerable information on the subject of Female Ejaculation with much greater accuracy over the past year (2007-2008).
Yet there is still considerable misinformation as well, and PC stigma.
Eric's current GOAL is to communicate the truths about female ejaculation to the misguided world as well the scientific community, in a clear and simple manner, a way everyone can understand. The Big Soak tm, a Sex-Ed DVD produced by Jackson, does exactly that!
Dear Friends & Potential Students,
Many of you out there, like myself are sincerely searching the Net for real truth and valid information on Female Ejaculation.
For the past four years I have been working on this project. My DVD is assembled in the highest quality manner, even though I am only an amateur producer/director. But with the help of film students and computer-wiz assistants it's now done. My parents both watched it and were impressed with the professional manner it was developed, as well as the considerable clinical information it contained. I hope that you will consider purchasing my work to further educate yourself on the topic. The visual aids provided within the DVD bring across the concept of Female Ejaculation in such a simple manner. I believe anyone will be able to perform to a whole new level with regard to understanding a true vaginal orgasm.
Communication and information is priority to ejaculation. So get as much information as you can and communicate with your partner.
Thank You and Enjoy Life
Eric Jackson
To contact Eric Jackson, for seminars of private sessions call him at 609-792-9000 or email to