Dr. Judith Wilcox is a licensed professional counselor with 33 years of experience in transpersonal and humanistic approaches to counseling and education. She has been a meditation teacher for the past 31 years and studied extensively with Siddha Meditation Masters Swami Muktananda and Gurumayi Chidvilasananda in both India and the United States. She is a Certified Yuen Practitioner trained directly by Shaolin priest and Kung Fu Master, Dr. Kam Yuen. In her private practice she offers counseling, consultation, spiritual advisement and Yuen Method healing and empowerment. Throughout her career Dr. Wilcox has been recognized for her ability to translate and integrate eastern and western understandings of the mind, spiritual awakening and development and spiritual practices into her work with her clients and students. She is a Board Certified Expert in Traumatic Stress and an International Critical Incident Stress Foundation approved Critical Incident Stress Management trainer and debriefer who has provided training, consultation and supervision to individuals and organizations in the U.S. and internationally. She is a retired graduate school faculty member and counselor educator from Southern Connecticut State University who continues to offer training and supervision in Post Traumatic Stress Disorder treatment, Crisis Intervention Counseling, Group Dynamics, and Religious and Spiritual Issues in Counseling. She received her doctorate in Applied human Development and Counseling from Columbia Univeristy Teachers College where she did ground breaking research on kundalini awakening and human development.
1. Create It, Move Through It, Do It Weekend Intensive Course (Visit my website for details ---course is coming up in October)
2. Yuen Method of Chinese Energetic Healing courses (Levels 1 and 2 coming up in Nov. and Dec.)
3. Meditation for Daily Living Workshops and Courses
4. Face to Face and Teleseminar Yuen Method Lecture Demonstrations.
Spiritual awakening is a precious and powerful experience that can lift us to the heights of mystical awareness and unleash a flood of physical, mental, emotional, psychological, psychic and spiritual obstacles that we need to understand, move through and learn from in order to become rooted in the highest experience of self, others and Divine Consciousness. It is helpful to have not only a Master, but also a practical guide on the path to Self Realization. ---Dr. Judith Wilcox
The elimination of pain and suffering can be instant. The Yuen Method of Chinese Energetic Healing identifies causes of pain and suffering on the physical, mental, emotional, psychological, psychic and spiritual levels and instantly clears them from these levels. When this happens the pain and suffering disappear.---Dr. Judith Wilcox
Many people have begun to understand the power of collaboration with the Law of Attraction. In order to truly master this understanding one must develop the skills of creating life goals that are in alignment with core values, recognizing the opportunities to move through inner and outer obstacles to full manifestation of goals, and celebrating successes that move one toward the final manifestation. Many people give up on the process halfway through because they become stuck in old patterns of negative thinking and unconscious resistance. For this reason I offer Yuen Method corrections to help my students move through their obstacles.---Dr. Judith Wilcox
If you would like to learn more about Dr. Judith and her work:
1. Visit her website http://www.wilcoxhealingcenter.com
2. Subscribe to her e-zine, Shakti Notes ( you will receive a free downloadable teleseminar recording on some of her secrets of working with the Law of Attraction when you subscribe)
3. E-mail her at drjudith@wilcoxhealingcenter.com
4. Purchase an advance copy of her book Fire of Love, Descent of Grace, due in print by the end of 2008.
Website: http://www.wilcoxhealingcenter.com
E-mail: drjudith@wilcoxhealingcenter.com
Office phone: (203)483-3140 ---USA