Hi, My name Arif is a handsome man from Indonesian. If you also feel handsome or beautiful, then you are right so you deserve to read my article, if you are not handsome or beautiful person then you are very decent and even strongly advised to read my article in order to be a handsome / "beautiful" as the author of this article. Hehehehehehehehe...... (Narsis Mode On)
PT Margahayu Raya (Margahayuland Group) is a family-owned business that was founded in February 11, 1971 by: Mrs Hj. Djoeliah Purwita (alm), Mr H. Ma’sum Sudradjat (alm) and Mr Drs. H. Jajat Prianta Purwita MBA.
The company started their business in construction services and general trading, before deciding to move their main focus into housing development in 1979. That was when MargahayuLand Group was born, and since then, the newly-reestablished company has developed more than 40.000 residential as well as commercial units all over Bandung, Karawang, Bekasi, Bogor, and Cirebon.
In 2007, with continual expansion of its core business at mind, Margahayuland Group started to develop high-rise buildings including residential, commercial, service apartments, as well as hotels all around Jakarta, Bandung, and Bali
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