In network marketing or any other home business there are so many tools to use to build your business. Things like software, ebooks, mentors, facebook, linked in, strategies, that it can get you quite confused on what the heck to do. So with all the tools you can use online to make wealth you might be asking yourself.......why twitter?

Well have you ever heard of the expression - "the money is in the list". Well in marketing, every top earner knows that the checks is in the list of entrepreneurs who subscribe to you, or in this case follow you. With internet marketing entrepreneurs have squeeze pages, and drive traffic to their squeeze pages to increase the number of prospects they have in their "lists". Marketers can than promote to their list with affiliate products, and their own products to make an endless stream of income. So why twitter, and how can you start making money with twitter.

Their are many ways to build your lists to huge sizes using twitter. I've studied many of them and came up with the two that win big when creating a huge list of followers using twitter.

One is with advertising, creating a community, and getting everyone involved. Celebrity Ashton Kutcher had international media coverage on his race to a million followers for twitter and won. News stations all over the world covered the story which gave him so much attention and an explosion of followers on twitter.

Now Ashton has advertising power any fortune 500 business would dream of having, with a push of a button he can get instant traffic, buzz, and exposure to any site he chooses.

Also celebrities and other prospects with huge lists are implementing paid to tweet. Which means they get paid to write a post on twitter. Each tweet being worth thousands of dollars, and an easy stream of income for people with a huge follower base on twitter.

The next way to build a huge list is to not be so salesy. Everyone on my twitter is always promoting something, adding their website links, affiliate links and more. I analyzed a lot of entrepreneurs with huge lists and one thing that gets a lot of followers is providing value. Although you can only do it in 125 characters but it is very possible to say meaningful value packed content in a twitter post.

Proof that providing value works can be seen by viewing RevRunWisdom twitter account who tweets about life, love, self-help, and over coming struggles. He has a twitter list of 750,355 prospects who follow him and he never promotes a site or anything, just provides massive value. And entrepreneurs can check out his website by checking out his twitter profile.

By providing a value and making potential customers feel better by reading your tweets will cause a viral effect and your twitter account will explode to a size where you can start making instant cash of your twitter tweets. So I hope your still not wonder why twitter and how to use it to build your MLM business or home business.

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