The fallopian tube plays an important role in transporting sperm, ingesting eggs and transporting fertilized eggs to uterine cavity. It is necessary for women with fertility requirements to check the fallopian tube, especially for some women prone to block the fallopian tubes.

Blocked Fallopian Tubes can be divided into a proximal tubal obstruction, central tubal obstruction, and distal tubal obstruction. Generally, blocked fallopian tubes have no typical clinical symptoms. The primary manifestation of patients is infertility. Some patients will appear periodic dysmenorrhea, leucorrhea, gastrointestinal disorders, psychiatric symptoms, and depression.

Fallopian tube blockage is one of the major causes of female infertility, accounting for 25% to 35% of female infertility, and the main cause of tubal injury is pelvic inflammatory disease (PID). Women's improper behavior or lifestyle can also lead to tubal obstruction.

Who are prone to having blocked fallopian tubes?

Women with gynecological inflammation

Pelvic and reproductive urethritis is the leading cause of tubal obstruction. If not treated in time, when the inflammation spreads to the fallopian tube, it will lead to tubal obstruction. These infections are mycoplasma infection, chlamydia infection, Neisseria gonorrhoeae infection, cervicitis, endometritis, adnexitis, etc.

Women with postoperative infection

Female genitalia is not an independent and isolated system. There are many organs adjacent to the fallopian tube in the pelvic cavity alone. Inflammation of any organ in the pelvic cavity may involve the fallopian tube. Infection after gynecological surgery is also a major cause of tubal obstruction. If patients themselves have some chronic inflammation of the reproductive system, it may cause postoperative infection. Or when the operation is not standardized, or ignore personal hygiene, do not follow the doctor's advice, etc., it may cause inflammation, affecting the natural pregnancy.

Women with postpartum and post-abortion infections

Infertility caused by induced abortion accounts for a certain proportion of infertility and has an increasing trend. The leading causes of infertility after induced abortion are abnormal tubal patency (obstruction or obstruction), intrauterine adhesions, endometriosis, luteal dysfunction, etc.

Women with endometriosis

About 50% of patients with endometriosis have infertility. And about 30-40% of patients with endometriosis have unexplained infertility. Infertility in patients with endometriosis is often caused by pelvic mass, adhesion, tubal obstruction, low follicular development, or ovulation disorder.

How to treat a blocked fallopian tube in the clinic?

Clinical treatment of tubal blockage is divided into two aspects according to whether patients need fertility. In principle, tubal obstruction does not require treatment in women who do not have fertility requirements. For women who need to give birth, the purpose of tubal blockage treatment is to treat infertility. From this point of view, there are two ways:

1. Need to treat the fallopian tube itself, including surgical treatment, anti-inflammatory medicine, and herbal medicine treatment. A more safe and effective way is the herbal medicine treatment, such as Fuyan Pill. It doesn't hurt the body. And it can clean up the uterine environment and increase the chance of natural pregnancy.

2. Directly do an IVF to achieve the effect of pregnancy without treatment of fallopian tubes.

In the treatment of tubal obstruction, women must choose a professional and regular hospital for treatment. For the treatment of tubal obstruction equipment, women must also ensure the equipment's safety and do not use old equipment. Fallopian tube blockage is related to gynecological inflammation to a large extent. After cure, there may be recurrence due to inflammation, so women must pay attention to gynecological inflammation treatment after therapy.

Besides, women should also pay attention to good eating habits and work and rest habits, pay attention to the cleanliness of the reproductive system, prevent the infection of various pathogens, strengthen physical exercise, and maintain the right attitude to avoid the recurrence of tubal obstruction.

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