There have been some very difficult times in the past few months since 2011 began. Earth quakes, floods, fires and Tsunamis not to mention revolutions towards democracy and ongoing wars in the Middle East.
It would be easy for us to simply focus on the appearance of what is happening. The appearance being the destruction, the suffering, the loss of life and the devastation. The repetition of old beliefs that we still have to fight, to defend to wage war to have peace.
It would be easy to say that the world has gone mad and we are the victims of her madness. We can blame industry, climate, technology, we can blame each other for mindless living and using each other and earth for our own material means, but if we are able to stop blaming and to begin to look through our heart at what is happening from the big picture we will have a much better opportunity to understand and coincidentally raise the vibration of our planet at the same time.
Many of us have been blaming global warming, technology, or even the lack of it. The media blames well.
By catastrophising events, blaming stirring up our emotional bodies the media adds to that chaotic fear filled energy. Images and speculations gather the energy of fear and leave people weak and hungry for external security. Instead of looking within people tend to look to our governments, blaming them for their shortfalls, We look to our scientists to find the answers, and solutions to our global problems.
The more we give away our power the less we remember how to go within and to reconnect to our own wisdom.
The media does an incredible job of highlighting the victim. When we look at the television, read newspapers and even participate on social networks such as face book we are impacted and impressed by the energy of mass consciousness. Some people are even choosing to avoid the news on television or reading the papers because they don’t want to be negatively impacted.
I don’t suggest we avoid looking and hearing what is being said around us but rather how to listen how to understand and be aware of how the manipulation works. We need to look at what the purpose of this kind of communication is. What is the significance? I believe it is time to become aware of the power of this kind of energy and to use our free will, our inner wisdom, our in-tuition to see the illusion and to become far more discerning in what we believe and take on. Of course we have all been given free will and we can choose to surrender to the fear or we can choose to lift our energies above mass consciousness.
Later on this evening we will do an exercise to lift ourselves about the swirling energy of mass consciousness so that we can realign and connect with our own Spirit and not be pulled down into helplessness and hopelessness.
We are the only living creatures on earth that collect trash. Piles and piles of trash. We are the only living being with kill for no good reason. We maim and rape and torture. We have mindlessly caused unspeakable harm to our fauna and flora. To our oceans, our land and to our atmosphere. We have treated our Mother Earth as if she were an object on which we can do anything we like. We do not live on Earth are part of her. Her water is our water. The food she grows is the food we eat. Earth is a living breathing organism. And the damage we have done is so great we do not have the ability to repair.
So just for a few minutes I want to tell you what we have done. It is painful listening but unless we accept who we have been, we have no chance of becoming who we truly are.
One year ago exactly, On April 10, 2010, a wellhead exploded in the Gulf of Mexico. To this day the Gulf of Mexico cannot sustain life. It is dead. Wales, turtles, dolphins, fish cannot live there, their habitats are destroyed. Countless bird choked to dead.
And the most devastating reality is that We do not have the technology to fix what we have done.
Do you have any idea how many oil spills have occurred in our oceans since 1907? 117. I know I counted them. I have a list here for anyone who wants to see. 117 ships have spilt oil into our beautiful oceans and that does not include the largest oil spill.
In the waning days of the Persian Gulf War, as Iraqi forces retreated to Baghdad, Saddam Hussein sent a team of engineers into the Kuwaiti oil fields and blew up hundreds of wells.
Over the next seven months, more than 1 billion barrels of oil went up in flames, and Kuwait and much of the Persian Gulf was engulfed in a poisonous smoke, creating a large-scale environmental disaster. We cannot fix this.
As ocean temperatures rise, jellyfish are reproducing faster, and tropical species are beginning to extend their range. There is a huge problem of jelly fish in the waters off Japan and China. They are Spawning more often because of the warm water. They are filling the waters near the coast line of Japan and China and making fishing in these waters almost impossible. Fishing villages that have lived on the gifts from the sea and finding they can no longer survive.
We are over fishing our oceans. Nature is filling the space with jelly fish.

The nutrients from fertilizer runoff and sewage suck oxygen from the lower layers of the ocean, creating an environment in which fish struggle but jellyfish thrive. Since 2000, there's been such an increase in numbers of Australian jellyfish in the oxygen-depleted waters of the Gulf of Mexico that shrimpers have been forced to hang up their nets during the swarm season in the summer. In the nutrient-rich waters off the coast of Japan, where jellyfish can grow to the size of refrigerators, a nuclear power plant was forced to lower production in 2006 when a mass of the creatures clogged its cooling system.

Animals are dying. Birds literally falling out of the sky. Not so long ago Oren my husband and I went north and we were in a four wheel drive driving on the sand in Nelson Bay. The whole beach was covered in dead cormorants. Thousands of them.
It is very easy for us to feel sad and even helpless hearing these stories. It would be easy to feel this problem is so big we can’t do anything about it. But we would be wrong to think this way. We can make a difference.
The World, Mother Earth is changing at this time. She is shifting her energies and if we can shift our own energies alongside her, we can make the transition together.
Many ancient peoples, including the Hopi and the Mayans have long predicted we are moving towards a new era in 2012.They say we are moving toward the end of the world as we know it. They do not say that everything will come but rather we have now entered into a time of transition. My own spiritual Teacher John the Beloved and the Great White Brotherhood of Light tells us that we are moving towards a new era. We all have a choice as to whether we wish to move forward spiritually or whether we choose to remain where we are. We have a choice to stay in fear and if we choose fear, fear is where will be remain. Or we have the choice to live from our heart. To see the earth’s transition as a move towards enlightenment and peace.
If we chose to live from our heart we will live in joy.
In my first book I, the 12 levels of Being I quoted Peter Russel and I would like to do so again tonight. For those who don’t know him he is a fellow of the Institute of Noetic Sciences, of The World Business Academy and of The Findhorn Foundation, and an Honorary Member of The Club of Budapest. He is a revolutionary futurist and I feel so aligned to what he so eloquently says.
He says that The next great frontier for human development is not outer space, but inner space. We have given ourselves wonderful freedoms in the physical world. What we need now is the inner freedom–freedom from out-dated beliefs and values–that will allow us to manage our lives and the world around with wisdom.
To be sure, there are many people in the world that do not yet have as much freedom as we do. Some 85% of the world is still in poverty; 70% of the world doesn’t have decent housing; 50% doesn’t have even enough food. These are real problems, and they do need attention. But in addition to working to raise the quality of material well-being in others, we also need to be working to raise the inner well-being in our own society.
We don’t need yet more material growth. The sort of growth we need is inner growth. The spiritual growth which our culture has turned its back on so much. To quote Star-Trek we need to boldly go where no modern culture has gone before–the exploration and development of human consciousness
We cannot afford not to. If we carry on the way we are going its pretty clear there is no future for humanity. Or rather a very depressing negative future. We have to begin to move in a new direction.
That is what this evening and other that will follow will be all about. How do we move in a new direction
Over the next two years there will be a great need for people to take initiatives to disseminate the call for the Conscious Convergence around the world. It is important to approach organizations to have them embrace it. Then there will be the need for people to make their
( your) unique contributions known through public web sites, social media and other networks." This article is one small step towards that.
We have two choices. To ignore and resist what is happening and in so doing feel powerless to participate in the earths transition or to accept we are here now because we chose to be and because we want to be part of this extraordinary time in our Earths history.
We are all experiencing rapid global changes. We are witnessing the labour pains of a new consciousness and with us or without us the Earth is moving towards a new era. I want to move with her and I imagine you do too. But it is not a foregone conclusion that we will. In order to enter into this new era we need to Be Who we Be. What does this mean? It means to connect to the divine spark that came forth in pure innocence
Now is the time to:
Connect to source.
To remember who we are
To fully understand the meaning of Accepting All That Is
And To live in harmlessness.
A word about Living in Harmlessness. When we react with anger and fear to what is happening in the world today we add to the chaos that already exists. Now is the time to learn how to create the energy of response and peace to all situations. We do that by coming from the heart.
It is time to banish the word Struggle from your attitude and vocabulary. It is time to celebrate your life no matter what is going on in your life.
I have heard every possible argument about the necessity to defend our borders especially when those borders are being attacked. In the 21Centuary I invite every army leader , every government who uses war as a means to defend their own greed and power to look at history and to see that no war has ever created lasting peace.
When you come from the heart of who you are, you come from your soul and within your soul judgment, anger, fear, and blame simply cannot exist.
In order for us to move with the energies of Change we must see what is happening from the big picture. It is so easy to become discouraged and upset about what we see and hear and read.
The Earth is moving through all the elements, Earth, Water, Air and Fire to do whatever she can to heal herself and to wake us up. Many individual have completed their lives in these current global changes and we need to be mindful that they did it in partnership with Mother Earth and not as victims of her random whim. As Khalil Gibran so clearly showed we do not go a minute too soon or a minute too late. Worrying about what is going to happen will not change what we as Souls have chosen.
Harsh as it may seem at this time, I am of the belief that there are no victims. Those souls who have given their lives need to be honoured, not as poor victims, but as heroes who have offered us, yet again, the opportunity to re-member who we are and that we are not separate. We are not in competition. We are not superior or inferior. We are not right or wrong. And most importantly we are not merely flesh and blood.
We are here to re-member who we are, sparks of pure love and light. If we are not being kind, compassionate, loving or light hearted, if we feel jealous, slighted, rejected or abandoned, we are not being who we are. When we clench our fists and rally against our neighbours, we are not accepting all that is. When we complain about the climate, we will fill the world with complaints and simply add to the problem. When we blame the world's problems on bad and evil people, we are bringing more blame into the world and we are missing the obvious. It takes one to know one. We are all a reflection of each other. And do we need more blame? Surely the more we blame the more we harm each other. When we consciously live in harmlessness, there is no place for blame.
The earth is shaking us all awake. She is tired of our attitude towards her and each other. We are not here to win the highest bid, get the best job or teach our kids to read at twelve months.
We are here to remember how to learn to physically connect with that divine spark and live our lives from that highest point. When we do that, change becomes a joy and life becomes the gift it was always intended to be.
To do this however we need to take control of our emotional bodies. Rather than allowing ourselves to fall into a helpless heap we need to see what is occurring acknowledge it, accept it and once we have done that we can move in what ever way we choose to address it. We cannot address what is happening until we accept it.
And how do we do that. We Be who we Are. That is the single most important thing any human being can do at this time. Until we remember who we are, until we realise we are not our gender, our role, our function, our attitudes or beliefs, until we lift our energy up and connect to the spark of essence that is truly who we are , we will continue to be buffeted and knocked around, impacted and impressed by mass consciousness. Every thought, action and word we utter is released into the mass consciousness of our planet.
Of course we are not the only ones adding to this ever changing river of energy. Every living creature is also contributing to the soup. Until we learn how to lift our energy up and out of the mire whilst remaining truly grounded we become part of the sea of mass consciousness and cannot access our true purpose.
Once we lift our energy as high as it will go we can begin to see the big picture. The big picture is so big. It is so big it is impossible to see it all but, we have gifted ourselves with the opportunity to see more of it than any other generation that has gone before us. We have accepted the responsibility of holding the energies as calmly as we possibly can as the earth goes through the healing and cleansing she need to do right now.
Our world is sick. She is ill. Our world is healing and cleansing herself and we need to believe in her and the best way we can do that, the best way we can support her to emerge from this time in good health is Be who we Are To look at ourselves beyond the masks that we where. Beyond the excuses we offer and need to defend ourselves. We are being asked to stop living from the mind and the ego and to start living from the heart once again.
When ever we focus on our faults as something to eradicate or suppress, we then lower our vibration even more. The greatest wound on our earth is that we have forgotten to love ourselves. Who are you really. Do you love that person? We need to look at the whole of who we are not the part of ourselves that we don’t particularly like. By looking at the whole and not the parts of ourselves we are able to see the reason for and significance of each part as purposeful and necessary to our journey We are able to let go of that which not longer serves us.
Keisha Crowther says that At this time in History we are to take nothing seriously least of all ourselves, for the moment we do our spiritual growth and journey comes to a halt.
Did you know that there are only two things that vibrate at the same frequency. Planet Earth and Humanity. So what we do to ourselves we do to the Earth. And what we do to the Planet we do to ourselves.
So the time for Blame, whether it is our politicians, governments, our children, sisters, parents partners and especially ourselves is over.
The time to take things personally is over.
The time for criticising ourselves and others is over.
The time for striving for physical body perfection is over. We are already perfect just the way we are. And when we accept ourselves exactly as we are guess what happens.
We step out of mass consciousness.
The time for taking everything especially ourselves seriously is over for when we do we put a halt to our own spiritual growth and journey. It is time to stop being affected by gossip, toxic thoughts and words directed our way or other people’s judgments and perceptions of us.
It is time to Accept All that is.
Helen Barton who created the course called The Seven Spiritual Truths says this about Acceptance.
Acceptance is the ability to interact without judgment or blame. It is about accepting what is and deciding whether to participate or not. When we stand in this energy we focus on that which resonates within us and detach from that which does not. We stand in balance. The moment we judge another we are no longer detached from the energy but become part of it. Our judgment attaches us and feeds energy to whatever we are judging.
The time to judge our self and others is over.
Every one of us will see a situation in our own unique way. We will perceive from our own values, beliefs and opinions. It is time that we validate everyone’s unique way of seeing life. It is time to meet and greet each person in our life with curiosity and wonder.
Be who you Be. That is the single most important thing any human being can do.
Until we remember who we are, until we realised we are not our gender, our role, our function, our attitudes or beliefs, until we life our energy up and connect to the spark of essence that is truly who we are , we will continue to be buffeted and knocked around, impacted and impressed by mass consciousness. Every thought, action and word we utter is released into the mass consciousness of our planet. Of course we are not the only ones adding to this ever changing river of energy. Every living creature is also contributing to the soup. Until we learn how to lift our energy up and out of the mire whilst remaining truly grounded we become part of the sea of mass consciousness and cannot access our true purpose.

Author's Bio: 

Sharon Snir is a practicing gestalt psychotherapist,international seminar leader and published author. Her latest book, Looking for Lionel- How I lost and Found my mother through Dementia, is available is all good book stores in the USA, Australia and New Zealand.She presents an online weekly radio program called Woman Wisdom and shares her life with her husband of 31 years. Together they have 5 amazing children.