Beauty, harmony, joy, peace, wisdom, compassion, what makes these words stand out? They are a resonance, a frequency and a vibration that lift us up. They are qualities of love. They are what we truly yearn for in life. These words are more than the qualities they represent; they symbolize a feeling that resonates deep within and bring us a sense of completion and oneness.
From our outer personality standpoint, we often think in terms of happiness, personal success and accomplishment. Yet as a result of our best efforts we may feel only a moment of peace and contentment. However, we rarely feel complete in these areas or remain content. What we desire is a deeper sense of knowing that all is well and that we are loved. We look endlessly to the outer world of our daily experiences hoping for some glimmer of this feeling of love.
It is from this point we begin. The outer focus can and needs to be turned inward. We can start the process of becoming consciously aware of our thoughts and feelings, motives and intent. This inner awareness is our point of power. It is also where we find the love we seek and the opportunity to share it with others. It is right here and available in this current moment.
Have you ever stopped long enough to question your reality or that of the world around you? Think for a moment: is what you are experiencing real or just a limited view of a much larger picture? How do you act and react to daily situations? What limiting thoughts or negative emotions do you carry that create the difficulties you experience each day? How many times do you listen within to your own thoughts and feelings about life rather than reacting or responding to outer suggestions and conditions?
These questions all point to a realization that we have become so focused on the outer world we have forgotten we are the creators of it. Each of us uses the energy of our mind and feelings to generate our outer experiences. Wherever we place our attention that is what we become. It is time to turn this process around and begin paying attention to how we view life and ask ourselves what we really believe or truly desire out of life.
Let us start with a simple universal truth. What we have within, we give out. What we give out, we receive back in full measure. We live by this circular flow of life every moment of every day, yet who of us realizes it? We are creating our lives every moment by the choices we make and the beliefs we accept. Each moment we send out either love and harmony or fear and doubt. Whatever we hold in our consciousness becomes our reality. We are the only ones who can invoke or deny the power of love through our attention.
Through our willingness and determination we can reconsider our limiting beliefs. We simply go within to realize why we feel, act, think and often react the way we do. We can then choose to change our perspectives if need be and take action accordingly. In this process of getting to know ourselves for ourselves, we also start to understand others and why they are the way they are. This is unconditional love in action. The more we understand ourselves and acknowledge love, the more we naturally love our neighbors and the world around us. We, too, can become a living example of unconditional love in action.
Harold W. Becker is Founder and President of the internationally recognized nonprofit, The Love Foundation, is the author of various books including, Unconditional Love - An Unlimited Way of Being and Internal Power, Seven Doorways to Self Discovery along with hosting his own PBS special on unconditional love. Contact him
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