From Potential to Performance
One of the great things about life is that we can realistically be or do anything we choose to. This includes being a good time manager! We must believe that we can be a good time manager – that we have the potential. Unfortunately, many people say, “Well, I am ... Views: 1197
Sounds too good to be true? It really isn’t! In fact, studies show that after a certain amount of hours at work each week, the average worker hits diminishing returns for their labor.
Here are a couple of reasons this is true.
Family drain.
Does your spouse or family complain that you work ... Views: 1218
Perhaps it is merely semantics, but an underlying problem I find that people have as it relates to the success in their life lies in a proper understanding of what exactly it is that we manage. Think about it. We have time management (In fact I have a seminar on this very topic, some of which is ... Views: 1433
I met recently with a client at Denver Water for his 1-on-1 “In the Trenches” appointment to get organized. When I first arrived, he stated, “I would be completely organized if it weren’t for other people. As it is, my day is so uncontrollable that I never have enough time to get things done.” ... Views: 1239
When you gain 2 hours a day, that is 14 hours a week and a whopping 728 hours a year or 18.2 workweeks!
Take a look at the list below and implement a few - if not all - of them and see how much time you gain this week and how much more you accomplish! (Note: The time saved listed is per day! ... Views: 1223
Most of us know how to manage our time. It is pretty simple really. What most of us miss are compelling reasons to manage our time. We know the “how” but miss the “why.” Here are six foundational reasons I have that motivate me to manage my time and myself properly.
It is a matter of ... Views: 1264
1. Take 5 minute breaks regularly throughout your day. Sit or walk on your own and relax, breathe deeply and feel peaceful. You will feel more relaxed and not so overwhelmed, increasing your level of concentration and ability to achieve more, in less time.
2. Arrive 10 minutes early for every ... Views: 1263
Q. What's your hottest tip for managing one's time effectively? GM, San Rafael, CA
A. The number one tip I would give would be to get yourself to the point where you know what the most important things are to you, those that when done will move you on toward your goal. And so much so that it ... Views: 1502
An important piece of productivity concerns what time of day you select to work on which activities. Everyone has a natural time during the day when they are "UP" (prime time) and a natural time when they are "DOWN" (down time). During prime time, your brain is "on"; your batteries are charged ... Views: 3003
The purpose of man is in action not thought - Thomas Carlyle
Often people will ask me how I get so much done in my life. They wonder at how I am able to accomplish so many things. The answer is found not in what a great person I am, but in an equation I came up with a few years ago and remind ... Views: 1207
Here is a basic truth you must accept and believe if you are to achieve your dream…
Your dream can be a reality! That’s right, your future can actually see you living your dream. It doesn’t just have to be a big wish!
When we are young we are dreamers. Nothing seems too big for us to ... Views: 1376
Here is a basic truth you must accept and believe if you are to achieve your dream…
Your dream can be a reality! That’s right, your future can actually see you living your dream. It doesn’t just have to be a big wish!
When we are young we are dreamers. Nothing seems too big for us to ... Views: 1043
“The history of free men is never written by chance, but by choice – their choice.” Dwight D. Eisenhower.
Many people spend a lot of time on their history. Some do it purposefully with such hobbies as journaling, while others simply write and rewrite their history over and over in their minds. ... Views: 961
One of the most important things we can do for our businesses, schools, and organizations is to have vision. Vision being a clear picture of a desired end result that you are aiming for.
However, sometimes, no matter how big our vision was originally, we find ourselves focusing in on the daily ... Views: 925
"Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure, than to take rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much, because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat."
Teddy Roosevelt
Do you remember when ... Views: 1439
I talk a lot about dreams, if you haven’t noticed! That’s because I believe every single person has a dream inside of them just waiting to be turned loose! Each man and woman has a desire to do something great, to achieve excellence or to go somewhere wonderful. Most of the time these dreams ... Views: 1081
Have you ever thought about what you could do, if you really decided to? I'm not merely talking about what your skills, education and talents are capable of. I'm talking about what is really possible for you.
There is a very real possibility that you can do virtually anything. Not alone, not ... Views: 1032
When people think about pursuing something, they usually first take a look at their resources to determine whether or not they can do it. That is a wise thing to do.
But where most people fail in this process is when they look at their resources to determine whether or not they can do it, they ... Views: 1014
I receive many emails from people that basically ask the same question: How can I keep myself motivated long term? This seems to be quite a common dilemma for many people so I want to address it because it can be done! Here are my tips for staying motivated:
Get motivated every day.
Zig Ziglar ... Views: 866
I receive many emails from people that basically ask the same question: How can I keep myself motivated long term? This seems to be quite a common dilemma for many people so I want to address it because it can be done! Here are my tips for staying motivated:
1. Get motivated every day.
Zig ... Views: 1028
I thought about my subscribers on Saturday night and realized that you can learn a lot from observation. Simple, right? Let me explain.
A good friend of mine bought, virtually on a whim, a new, nearly $3,000,000 home. I didn’t even know he had purchased it. They were “keeping it a secret.” Then ... Views: 992