There are some traits you may hope to pass along to your daughters. Your long, feminine fingers. Your curly hair. Your musical talent. Your great memory. However, in all the years I’ve worked with Pleaseaholics, I’ve never heard a woman hope to pass along her People Pleasing tendencies to ... Views: 1469
I heard a quote from the CEO of E-Women's Network, Sandra Yancey, recently that really jumped out at me. She said: "Until you know what's important to you, you'll never be able to tell what's necessary and what's a distraction."
This made me think of two crucial tools I've seen help ... Views: 1154
One of my most valuable teachers has been my seat belt.
We’ve all had the experience of getting into the car and finding when we attempt to draw the seatbelt across our lap, the locking mechanism inside won’t allow the seat belt to move. This happened to me one morning many years ago when our ... Views: 1319
The 4 No's of being a No Pro
Saying “No” can be difficult because Pleaseaholics are concerned about hurting people’s feeling or damaging a relationship. I know how difficult it can be to even imagine telling someone no. Having the right tool for the job makes it easier because you don’t have ... Views: 2886
Put Procrastination Off Until Tomorrow
Procrastination hinders your progress toward your best life. You procrastinate for one of two reasons.
1. You don’t want to
2. You’re afraid to
Either way you probably spend a ridiculous amount of time lecturing yourself about what you “should” ... Views: 1037