When I was a teenager, I used to fight with my sister a lot and it was almost always about using the computer. At that time, we only had one and I was somewhat addicted to an online game. Every day without fail, we would quarrel about who gets to use the computer first and for how long. Every ... Views: 1365
The Bibles says, “Beloved, I pray that you prosper and be in good health even as your soul prospers.” Many times our physical illness and ailments are directly related to our spiritual and emotional health. If we are living in fear, negativity, anger, resentment, or abnormal amounts of stress, ... Views: 2293
Spiritual healing comes by faith and not by medicine. It can help with any problem, mental, physical or emotional. Spiritual healing heals the mind, body and spirit. For Spiritual Healing to take place we must recognize and accept God beyond our own intelligence and develop a relationship with ... Views: 2174
Do you battle with negative thoughts or just can't turn off the dialogue in your head? Do you find yourself having conversations with people who aren't even there? Many people suffer from compulsive and negative thinking, but you can learn to stop these voices in your head by creating a mental ... Views: 2047
Just recently I create a vision chart. The chart contained pictures, scriptures, words, and phrases that represented by goals, dreams, and desires. It encompassed core areas including my career, social life, health, recreation, spirituality, education, relationships, and self care. To create my ... Views: 4464
Everyone is talking about The Secret. But is it really a secret at all? The Secret, better known as the law of attraction, is a Biblical principle from the time of Jesus. The law of attraction for Christians is simply stated, to ask, believe, and receive. Jesus said whatsoever you ask for in my ... Views: 2506
Many of life's problems stem from our inability to live one day at a time. We're either peering far into the future or dwelling on the regrets of the past. Yet, just think of the stress we could eliminate or the joy we could manifest if we would fully embrace the Lord's Prayer in Matthew 6:11 ... Views: 1386
Deep breathing exercises provide an excellent method to relieve stress and rid yourself of toxic emotions that inhabit your body. Emotions play an integral part in our personalities and often tap into the yearnings of our subconscious mind. Without emotions our lives would be pretty bland. God ... Views: 1366
I believe there are two reasons we suffer from negative thoughts and toxic emotions. The first reason is our lack of control over our minds. The second reason is spiritual warfare. "For our battle is not against flesh and blood, but against rules and principalities, against wicked forces in the ... Views: 18664
If you are like most believers you might be thinking, meditate! Isn't that for monks and Eastern religions? You might have been led to believe that meditation is limited to certain sects but I hope to change your mind. I believe that this silent prayer is essential to a genuine and fruitful walk ... Views: 4703
When Christians talk about finding their purpose, it's usually related to a destination or circumstance to reach. For example my purpose is to become a teacher, my purpose is to own my own business, my purpose is to become a minister, etc. However, I don't believe that the following examples ... Views: 2890
If you've been a believer any length of time you've heard the parable of the sower. It's the story that Jesus used to illustrate how God's word enters a person's life and what affect it will have once there. In Mark 4 verses 1:20 Jesus told his disciples, "Behold, there went out a sower to sow: ... Views: 2292
The other day I was having a conversation with a friend regarding the lack of spirituality in the church. I was telling my friend that I had spent over 20 years being a faithful member in one church or another. I participated in many groups and committees, was on the witnessing team, ... Views: 5667
Proverbs 23:7 declares, "As a man thinks in his heart, so is he."
"Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks," declares Matthew 12:24. It further states that a good man, out of the good his heart will produce that which is good, and vice versa. In other words what you think about or ... Views: 2485
Christian meditation, sometimes referred to as contemplative prayer, is setting aside time to dwell in silence and solitude and focus entirely on God and his word. Listening to a guided meditation or silently repeating a mantra (biblical word, phrase, or scripture which quiets the mind) are the ... Views: 1068
Proverbs 23:7 tells us, “What ever a man thinks in his heart, so is he.” Matthew 12:34 declares, “Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks.” Luke 6:45 emphasizes, “The good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth what is good; and the evil man out of the evil treasure ... Views: 6620
Recently on the Oprah show, Dr. Oz, frequent guest and author of “You on a Diet,” gave the audience six “must dos” for optimal health; number 3 was to meditate. The word meditate means to ponder, reflect upon, think about, muse over or to ruminate. When we’re ... Views: 3606