What does success look, feel, sound like or mean to you? What is the benchmark you use to determine your success?
When we set an intention, it’s for the end result we want to achieve. It’s that big audacious goal out in the future someplace. Success, however, happens all along our path to ... Views: 839
Have you ever set a goal that seemed over the top for you? Did you ever wonder if it was possible? That’s what I did in more than one area of my life on quite a few occasions in the past. Then I began the inward jousting battle toward accomplishment. Can I accomplish it in the timeframe I ... Views: 1005
I invite you now to enter into a new way of thinking about what has been called a “disorder”. We are each a part of a bigger picture unfolding. It is said that we are moving from the Information Age to the Attention Age. According to studies done a few years ago, information is multiplying at ... Views: 1903
It’s really true, no matter what you’ve heard or felt about competition in the past. Think of the world as a big jigsaw puzzle and every person is one piece of the puzzle. In a puzzle, no two pieces are alike but all are essential to the whole.
More than one person may do what you do, but ... Views: 1009