This guide to camping with dogs first appeared on Pet Factz.
Summer is perfect for camping, road trips, and vacations, and who better to travel with than your best friend! Travelling and camping with dogs can be incredibly fun, but it does require a little more planning. Read on for some tips ... Views: 805
Why would you want to learn how to cut your own hair?
· You are the master of your design
· You can touch it up on a weekly basis without worrying about money
· You will never have to pay for a haircut ever again
· You do not have to rely on your barber’s schedule
Whatever reasons ... Views: 683
If you’ve ever been sexually active without protection, then you’ve likely been at risk for gonorrhea. This sexually transmitted disease (STD) happens when the Neisseria gonorrhoeae bacteria pass from one partner to another through direct contact with their genitals, mouth, or anus. While this ... Views: 638
Conjunctivitis (more commonly known as “pink eye”) is very contagious, but professional medical attention is not always necessary. You may have heard scary stories about pink eye, but before you run away from your friend’s bloodshot eyes, let’s get some facts straight.
What is ... Views: 974
When you think of the plague, you probably think of the notorious epidemic that swept the Middle Ages. What comes to mind may be dirty cities overrun by rats, swollen lymph glands, and so-called “doctors” dressed in bird beak masks stuffed with herbs that were supposed to “ward off” the plague. ... Views: 701
Feeling nauseous is one of the worst feelings most people can relate to. Nausea and vomiting usually isn’t anything to worry about if it’s the result of, say, motion sickness. However, nausea and vomiting can be a side effect of life-saving medical treatment, such as chemotherapy for cancer. In ... Views: 652
Eye allergies are some of the most frustrating conditions around. Whether you happen to be enjoying some cuddle time with your cat or dusting your home, those allergies are likely to appear, no matter what you feel about them. And when they do, you can expect your eyes to redden, itch, burn, ... Views: 635
Our hands and wrists are some of our body’s most important built-in tools, especially when it comes to working. Whether you're a massage therapist, assembly line worker, or office employee, you may be at risk for developing carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS).
You’ve probably heard of carpal tunnel ... Views: 807
There are many myths about diabetes, one of which is that you have to be overweight or obese to develop the condition. Consequently, it may surprise some people to learn that one of the populations most at risk for diabetes is also the slimmest American demographic.
In the United States, one ... Views: 860
HIV/AIDS is one of the most feared illnesses. In addition to the physical and psychological stress of living with a serious disease, patients needs to cope with stigma. People with HIV/AIDS may be judged as promiscuous, dirty, or being a drug addict. Potential partners may avoid HIV-positive ... Views: 686
Are you worried that you might have epilepsy? Maybe you've had frequent bouts of loss of consciousness. Or perhaps family members have noted that you look like you might be having seizures.
Whatever the case may be, know that epilepsy can be a devastating condition. It changes your entire ... Views: 727
Have you frequently felt overcome by an unexpected wave of anxiety and terror for what seems like no reason at all? Then, you might be dealing with panic disorder.
This potentially debilitating condition can cause you to deal with sudden, repeated panic attacks, which may make you feel like ... Views: 1236
These days, many people assume that getting and staying healthy is an expensive endeavor. The assumption is understandable. After all, organic and so-called “healthy” foods in the grocery store tend to be way more expensive.
But the truth is, getting and staying healthy doesn’t have to be an ... Views: 696