Planned gifts are very often the largest contribution a donor ever makes. Yet sometimes it takes some convincing to get resources allocated to this type of campaign and if belt tightening becomes an issue for a nonprofit, this is an area that generally gets cut back first.
But interestingly, ... Views: 1122
Getting help from outside professionals can give a real boost a planned giving program. I believe that being able to ask for guidance or assistance is highly professional in almost any field and actually shows true confidence and competence. After all, nobody knows everything!
I’ve found ... Views: 1029
There's been a lot of public discussion about charitable gift annuities due to a highly misleading and prejudicial article in the May 12, 2009 edition of the Wall Street Journal. Many planned giving gurus (and even not so guru), including national organizations like The American Council on Gift ... Views: 1339
Just to refresh everyone's memory, in August 2006, then President Bush signed the Pension Protection Act of 2006 (PPA 2006), which gave individuals at least 70 1/2 years old the opportunity to make a charitable gift of up to $100,000 a year in 2006 and 2007 from their IRAs, as long as it went ... Views: 1002
If your nonprofit is primarily funded with gifts from people as opposed to institutions or the government, you are in better shape than you may think because you're getting what I call "heartfelt" gifts. Institutionalized giving and government budgets must adhere to the predetermined guidelines ... Views: 1254
Often professionals understand the need for planned giving, but meet resistance from board members who are unsure about how it works or its benefits to the organization. I cannot emphasize enough how important the support of your board members is to reaching your goals and achieving success. ... Views: 1274
As everyone in the nonprofit community knows, there's your job and then there's everything else you do to make sure things get done and work like they should. The same is often true for consultants to nonprofits because some things can't be done well unless other things are also getting done. ... Views: 995
With all the trainings that go on about the many different ways to make a planned gift, the fact is approximately 75% of all planned gifts are made through bequests. Most often when bequests mature the charitable beneficiaries find out about it when they receive a notice of probate or a letter ... Views: 1519
It’s a thin line that development professionals walk when establishing comfortable limits in interactions with donors and prospects – even as we try to get them to tell us everything and anything about themselves. We know that learning more about donors and prospects adds to our ability as ... Views: 1329