Our commitment is to give you as many tools as possible to use with your clients. Some of the tools may be new to you, and some may be familiar tools used a little differently. We invite you to start with the three Ps (Prepare, Polish, and Perfect) to plan, design, and implement the best ... Views: 1411
At the beginning of your coaching call, ask, “How much time do we have?” The answer may surprise you.
Sometimes we believe we’ll have an hour, only to have the player respond, “Oh, about twenty minutes.” It’ll happen to you, too.
It doesn't matter if we've previously established the length ... Views: 1231
According to the late Walter Hailey, a behavioral scientist and sales and marketing consultant, “People have 12,367 thoughts per day. Of those, 90 percent are automatic, and 84 percent are negative.” More than 12,000 thoughts! That’s a lot of self-talking going on. How do you think that might ... Views: 1329
Do you have a picture in your mind of how you think your life should be? When chaos seems to seize the upper hand, we tend to have conversations with ourselves—conversations that, in truth, have no bearing on reality. See if you can hear yourself in any of these:
• Things should always go as ... Views: 1401
When undertaking a new venture, there’s a simple but powerful tool that will help you achieve several worthwhile goals:
• Assess new possible projects
• Improve the design of the way forward
• Enhance confidence in producing successful outcomes
Whether you are embarking on a project of ... Views: 1488
Recently, during a coaching session with an executive (whom we’ll call Jodie), I listened as she described conversations with her staff. The feedback that her staff gave her went something like this:
“You’re hard to communicate with.”
“I don’t feel empowered when you speak to me.”
“You ... Views: 4389
After hearing complaints about how slow he was in getting dressed in the morning to go to work, Jed decided to examine his routine. He learned that it took at least an hour for him to shave, shower, and get dressed. If he could invest just 15 minutes less every morning, he would generate more ... Views: 1470