When it comes to losing weight, most people assume that dramatic results take dramatic measures. While in some instances this may be true, for most people making a few small changes can lead to permanent weight loss over time.
If you're looking to trim down but aren't interested in joining a ... Views: 2247
Obesity, quite simply, is an excess of body fat. To be obese is usually defined as being about twenty percent over the normal weight for one's height, age and sex.
A healthy weight can of course vary depending on many factors. However, there is a range used by doctors and physicians to ... Views: 3408
When it comes to weight loss, reaching a plateau can be one of the most frustrating things you’ll have to deal with. Not only does reaching a plateau put a stop to the weight loss progress, but it can also really wreak havoc on a dieter’s motivation to continue on.
A weight loss plateau ... Views: 3771
Ok, so you’re hitting the gym at least four times a week and keeping to your diet Monday through Friday. Come weekend however, you’re eating out and overindulging thereby ruining all your hard work and putting you back to square one. If this sounds like your regular routine than you need to ... Views: 1907
For some time now, researchers and health professionals have seen a correlation between the foods we eat and our health. When it comes to migraines however this connection can be even more obvious. As any migraine sufferer will tell you, these terrible headaches can often be triggered by just ... Views: 2192
Monitoring your heart rate during high intensity exercise can be a very important aspect of your exercise routine. Not only does keeping an eye or your heart rate help to prevent overexertion, but it can also be vital to helping you optimize your workouts. This means that you can ensure that ... Views: 3874
Sleep disorders are fast becoming one of the most common problems faced by people today. One of the reasons no doubt for their frequency is the high levels of stress and anxiety present in today’s world. Most people find it very difficult to tune out and turn off at the end of the day. ... Views: 1991
Sports like soccer are incredibly demanding on the body. Players must be continually running around a large field exerting themselves in all kinds of ways, whether it be sprinting, jumping, sliding, tackling, or kicking. The average soccer play will run over eight kilometers in a ninety minute ... Views: 2387
One of the most important elements to proper exercise that is also often overlooked is the warm up stretch. Warming up is absolutely vital when it comes to any kind of exercise, otherwise you’ll expose yourself to injury and lackluster performance. Performing a proper sequence of warm up ... Views: 1924
Having toned abdominal muscles is probably one of the most sought-after goals of exercise. This article will consider the many different exercises that will help you reach this goal, for both men and women. The abdominal region actually has two different parts to it: the lower abs and the upper ... Views: 2025
Blood delivers essential nutrients and oxygen throughout the body and allows muscles to keep working. Blood flow also helps remove harmful waste from the body and maintains overall functionality. Clearly, then, inadequate circulation causes many health problems. Proper blood flow is absolutely ... Views: 5339
Ok so now that summer is coming to an end it may be time to actually take some time to pamper those little puppies walking around in flip-flops and going bare in the sand. Not only are your feet much more visible than they are in other seasons during the hot summer months, but they can also ... Views: 2097
Many of us are now busier than ever with an ever expanding list of to-do’s that seems never to get any shorter. Commitments to work, school, family, partners, friends and extra-curricular activities can at times become overwhelming. When this happens, the joy we might have previously taken in ... Views: 2094
Unlike anorexia and bulimia, binge eating disorder has been largely ignored by the medical community and by society at large. And yet, according to best estimates, this disorder may affect up to four percent of all Americans. While the figures are at best just educated guesses, it is possible ... Views: 1227
Although it has been said many times, there is simply no way to be fit and live well without getting adequate physical activity. Despite years and years of medical recommendations and serious warnings about the illnesses associated with sedentary lifestyles, too many people in the developed ... Views: 2582
Financial worries can cause a great deal of stress to individuals and families. Especially in today’s economy, concerns about job loss, cutbacks, stock market figures and interest rates can give even the calmest and most relaxed among us a headache. For some however, financial stress can lead ... Views: 4200
Whenever you start to ramp up your exercise program you risk injury. If you don’t take the proper precautions, you may find yourself laid up in bed rather than pumping it up at the gym. Even if you’re merely increasing the pace of your usual walking routine, you can do damage to your muscles. ... Views: 2694
So after months and months of hard work you’ve finally reached your weight loss goals. The work should be over now right? Wrong. Post diet maintenance can be just as challenging. Even while you don’t need to sacrifice to the same extent as you did during the diet phase, you will nevertheless ... Views: 5239
With the sun peaking out behind the clouds a little more these days, you may be gearing up for the warmer days ahead. Looking forward to beaches, barbecues and soaking up the sun can be a pleasurable daydream, but is your skin ready to show its face to the world? If you feel you may not be ... Views: 4044
Healthy sleep patterns are important for people of any age. However, when it comes to kids, instilling the right habits in them from the start can save them and you a whole host of future problems. Sleep is of vital importance for all of us, but it is particularly so for growing babies and ... Views: 2435
When it comes to health and wellness, even those of us dedicated to eating and living well can sometimes through caution to the wind when it comes to traveling. Airports are notorious for offering a slew of unhealthy options and plane food is hardly going to win any healthy living awards. So ... Views: 2974
The start of the New Year has already passed and some of us may already be failing on our health resolutions. Sometimes though failing can be important. It can be seen as an opportunity to pick yourself back up and get started again. Also, it may be that the resolutions you made were ... Views: 3609
After a trip to the gym most of us get on with our day and hope that we have pushed ourselves just the right amount. Too much, and we will end up feeling sore the next day, too little and the hour and a half might end up having been wasted. Assuming that we have stretched before and after and ... Views: 4448
In recent months concerns about H1N1 have many people worried about their health. While vaccination programs have begun around the world, there are also some very safe all natural steps that you can take to help protect yourself against the virus and other influenza strains. While of course ... Views: 2651
In recent years it seems that the Human Growth Hormone has become of increasing interest to those in the health community and beyond. However, despite its recent notoriety as a fat-burning and anti-aging miracle supplement, most people do not know exactly what it is or what it does. While ... Views: 5327
With every other spam e-mail being about weight loss, a yoga studio opening up on every corner and all those TV ads for home gym equipment you would think everyone would be super fit by now. The truth is North Americans are more stationary than ever. We are all overrun by obligations of work, ... Views: 1975
Losing weight can be a terrible struggle for many people. Frustrating progress and rebound weight gain from fad diets can contribute to a real sense of hopelessness when it comes to achieving one’s fitness goals. Despite decades of scientific studies, nutritional advice and a multi-billion ... Views: 2628