Everyone breathes but unfortunately very few people breathe very well. That’s why Breathing Training is becoming more popular than yoga and meditation! And that’s why it’s the fastest growing trend in the fields of health and wellness, fitness and performance.
How we breathe matters. When we ... Views: 644
Everyone breathes but unfortunately very few people breathe very well. That’s why Breathing Training is becoming more popular than yoga and meditation! And that’s why it’s the fastest growing trend in the fields of health and wellness, fitness and performance.
How we breathe matters. When we ... Views: 602
As 2019 is coming to a close, I thought I would leave you with a few of my favorite breathing quotes.
By the way, if you have any that you would like to share, please send them on to me at: dan@breathmastery.com
There are certain points in breathing which you have never observed, and those ... Views: 608
Leonard Orr, the Father of the Rebirthing Movement, recently passed away. He left behind a living legacy, and I am grateful and blessed to be part of that legacy. In honor of Leonard, this month I would like to write about Rebirthing-Breathwork.
The technique or ... Views: 638
There is a lot of talk about stress and burnout these days, and so this month I’d like to focus on the role that unmanaged emotional energy plays in the stress and burnout cycle. I’d like to talk about using breathwork to prevent emotional exhaustion and to recover from it, because unmanaged ... Views: 603
I think it was Rudolph Steiner who said, “we live with our soul in the breath.” That bit of insight and wisdom is worth meditating on!
Our breathing is controlled by physiological or biological needs—chemical and mechanical processes. And it is also controlled by psychological and emotional ... Views: 586
This month we are focusing more deeply on “2-Phase Breathing.” It is a way to develop more breath awareness and more breath control. The idea is to explore the active and passive phases and the reflex and neutral points in the cycle.
To start, imagine a round clock. Divide the circle in half ... Views: 602
One of the core techniques we master in Breathwork is the “Connected Breathing Rhythm.” It’s the Rebirthing Technique, also called Circular Breathing. The main thing is that there are no pauses or gaps between the breaths. The inhale connects to the exhale and the exhale connects to the inhale ... Views: 600
I believe that the consciousness movement is the most important movement on the planet today. And given the current state of affairs in the world, the study of consciousness is more important than ever.
I believe that growth in consciousness is the only way to lasting happiness and world ... Views: 602
One of the advanced breath mastery skills we teach, and practice is “sucking” tension and fatigue out of the muscles with the inhale and releasing it from the body with the exhale.
With practice, anyone can learn to use the inhale to pull energy from tense tired muscles, and then vent it from ... Views: 660
Here is a startling fact with profound implications: Nearly 60% of the 911 ambulance calls in most major US cities are related to dysfunctional breathing habits. And the most common dysfunctional breathing habit is by far, hyperventilation. In other words: “over-breathing.”
And despite all ... Views: 2047
Over the last 30 years, the art and science of Breathwork has made its way to the cutting edge of the human potential movement; and it has found its place at the forefront of mind-body medicine. Breath Awareness and Conscious Breathing are studied and taught wherever consciousness and spirit, ... Views: 1436
Breathwork is my passion, as in “pass-I-on” and my profession, as in “profess-I-on”. And Today, I am celebrating the fact that I have not failed to write at least one breathing report/article every month of every year since September of 1976!
At times over the years, I waited on the muse or ... Views: 1388
The human heart is like a radio transmitter: it generates an electromagnetic field that can be easily measured from 50 feet away. And, the energy field that it generates is 500 times more powerful than that of the brain!
Do you know about “Heart Rate Variability?” This refers to the natural ... Views: 2217
This is the third article in a series on Breathwork Practice. First we talked about the Two Basic Aspects of Breathwork, then we discussed Two Core Techniques in the Practice.
This month, I’d like to talk about the 3 Convergences in Breathwork.
Some people will find that they have already ... Views: 1470
This month I start a series of articles on the practice of Breathwork, beginning with the two basic aspects of the practice: Breath Awareness and Conscious Breathing. You can think of these as yin and yang aspects, active and passive practices.
Breath Awareness means simply observing the ... Views: 2079
Ignorance is not bliss! When it comes to your breathing, what you don’t know could be hurting you, both in the short and long term.
Your breathing habits can have a surprisingly negative effect on your health, and wellbeing, on your athletic and creative abilities, on your performance ... Views: 2014
Birth and infancy traumas can affect people well into adulthood, and even for their entire lives. Many emotional and psychological issues, and dysfunctional patterns and tendencies can be traced back to birth, infancy, and early childhood.
For the first few years of our lives we are ... Views: 2202
People often ask me: “What is the single best exercise to practice—what is the most important technique we need to master?”
Actually, there are three basic skills I think every Breathworker needs to learn—three things I teach to just about everyone who comes to me for Breathwork ... Views: 1671
Many people underestimate the healing power of Conscious Breathing, and that’s unfortunate, because by controlling or regulating our breath, we can regulate and control many of our body’s vital chemical and biological processes.*
An ancient saying: “When you own your breath, ... Views: 2420
A Breathwork Technique For Eliminating Stress And Strain Once and For All!
It has been proven again and again that laboratory rats develop stomach ulcers, shrinkage of lymphoid tissues, enlargement of adrenals, as well as heart attacks, kidney disease, arthritis and more when constantly ... Views: 2470
At the seminars recently, we have been focusing on breathing and pleasure. We are using breathwork to enhance our enjoyment of life and the world, and to increase our happiness, and our love and acceptance of ourselves and each other.
A perfect style of Breathwork for supporting this is ... Views: 1906
I'd like to share with you some of the points that we cover in the Stress and Breathing, Burnout and Breathwork Seminars. This is a body-mind-breath approach to preventing burnout and for recovering from it. In the Chinese tradition we would say that we "regulate body, regulate mind, and ... Views: 1920
I’d like to share with you a spiritual breathing exercise, a form of Spiritual Breathing that Breathworkers around the world have been practicing lately. There is no name for it yet, but maybe with practice, you will be inspired to give us one!
Visualize this. With the inhale we invite life ... Views: 1822
When doing breathwork, we often focus on the pauses in our breathing pattern. We practice eliminating them and we also practice lengthening them. By working and playing with the pauses in our breathing we can access powerful inner resources. We can dramatically enhance our creative and ... Views: 2103
There are some big differences in the philosophy and approach to breathwork—and always have been. Two methods that seem to run counter to much of what is generally taught and practiced today immediately come to mind. The first is the Buteyko Method.
When I first went to Russia in 1990, you ... Views: 2814
Breathwork (breath and breathing exercises and techniques) can unleash powerful forces and healing energies within the mind and body. It can accelerate growth and healing on many levels: physical, emotional, psychological, spiritual, and behavioral. Medical experts agree that breath awareness ... Views: 1799
It is no coincidence that the archer has always been associated with Zen. Archery is used in sport, in war, for hunting, for survival, for self-mastery, and simply for enjoyment. And so is the breath! The force that builds up in the bow as you draw it back is like the force that builds up in ... Views: 3442
Breathwork uses Breath Awareness and Conscious Breathing for health, growth and change, in spirit, mind and body. It makes use of specific breath and breathing exercises and techniques for personal growth, professional development, and spiritual awakening.
As a healing modality, breathwork ... Views: 3215
In the beginning we are told was “the word." But behind the word, before the word, is an even greater power: the breath. In the end days it is said that all the secrets and mysteries will be revealed. The end days must be with us, because today the breath itself seems to be revealing those ... Views: 4422
If you’re a health nut or a fitness junkie, take note. If you’re into self-improvement or spiritual development, pay attention. If you’re an artist or a performer, a counselor or a therapist, an athlete or a coach, a speaker or a healer, or simply a student of life, then breathwork is for you!
... Views: 2585
Breathwork is the art and science of applying breath awareness and conscious breathing for health, growth and change, in spirit, mind and body. Breathwork brings together ancient wisdom and modern science.
Breathwork is practiced by people from every walk of life, and every level of society. ... Views: 3758