A well-known fast foods chain aired a TV advert recently that shows a pottery wheel with a beautifully shaped clay pot perched on it, spinning and spinning around, with the potter nowhere in sight. As the wheel continues to spin, the clay begins to distort, losing its shape, until it suddenly ... Views: 1119
Opportunity only knocks once, right?
Wrong! What sheer nonsense!
Opportunity knocks hundreds, perhaps even thousands of times in a lifetime. We just have to be aware enough, and “tuned in” enough to recognize what Opportunity is offering us each time it knocks.
Patrick, a deeply religious ... Views: 1314
Here is an inspiring story I recently heard that I thought well worth telling here in my own words:
His name was Fleming, and he was a poor Scottish farmer. One day, while trying to eke out a living for his family from the hard earth, he heard a loud cry for help coming from a nearby ... Views: 1054
Rejoice in who you are!
Because who and what you are is a gift to the entire world.
How good are you about your New Year resolutions?
Do most of them involve making changes of some sort to what you’ve done and who you’ve been in the past? That’s the usual format for New Year resolutions … ... Views: 3220
Kim Bassinger, the well-known movie actress, once said – “I feel there are two people inside me – me and my intuition. If I go against her, she'll screw me every time, and if I follow her, we get along quite nicely."
There are countless well-documented cases throughout history of people ... Views: 1119
It is generally accepted that 95% of the human population incline towards negative thoughts and attitudes. This correlates with statistics that show only 5% of the population ever become successful and financially independent. But why?
I am convinced beyond doubt we are all, as part of our ... Views: 1021
A newspaper advice column recently featured an interesting letter from a parent. It said: “We have a sixteen-year-old daughter who does not drink, smoke, use drugs, or stay out late. She isn’t pregnant and she is a straight-A student. Please tell us – where did we go right?”
Teenagers today ... Views: 1328
Every four years or so, voting fever builds up to a crescendo in most democratic countries. All the different political parties frantically brush the cobwebs and dust off their stock of usual campaign promises (still unused from previous elections) and recycle them to try, yet again, to charm ... Views: 1339
A Black Hole is a region in Deep Space created when a Sun dies. Nothing can escape a Black Hole’s gravity – not even light!
It is the ultimate negativity in the physical universe.
Any sun is essentially a gargantuan nuclear power plant, fueled by its own atomic matter, in a never-ending ... Views: 1542
Do you know you could be consciously worrying yourself into bankruptcy? Or ill health? Or an unhappy family life? Or even worse?
18th Century British statesman, Charles James Fox, was notorious for his support of the French Revolution (that is, until it became clear that Napoleon was planning ... Views: 1309