There seems to be a small community of senior massage providers, so it is great when one of us connects with another. She and I serve elders, but in different ways.
1. Background?
I majored in health sciences, worked as a childcare worker in a group home program providing emergency & long ... Views: 1429
Medical massage is a specialized branch of our profession. I am interviewing various branch representatives to show the array of potential directions we have as therapists.
What is your background?
I am a medical massage practitioner. I graduated from The National Massage Therapy ... Views: 2212
1. What are problems caretakers experience?
a. Stress- emotional, physical, spiritual
b. Allowing others to drain their energy-boundaries
c. Getting health care
d. Caring for their spirit and attitude
e. Not pursuing life goals/dreams
f. Trouble understanding being ... Views: 1492
I found Rosi one day while surfing the net looking for neurology and massage. I found her articles very interesting and decided to contact her. Her branch of massage I wish I had learned when younger, but had never heard of it. Until I found Rosi, I had no idea it existed or that training ... Views: 1978
The older we get, the less enzymes and stomach acid we often have to fully process our foods. Many people start having reflux, gas, bloating, and general digestive distress. Going to the doctor often gets them prescriptions for various forms of aluminum antacids when it is often more acid, not ... Views: 1568
Massage studies help to tell us where our skills are effective, how much they are effective, for whom they are effective, how they are effective, and when they are effective. This helps the profession offer services that are most beneficial and helps clients get the best we can give. Studies ... Views: 1307
I was asked to do an article on the benefits of massage, but these can be found anywhere on the net or off. But, then I rethought the topic and decided to give some studies on senior issues
published by respected journals. To these, I will add some other perspectives from my ... Views: 1360
As an introduction to me and my vision for future massage graduates, I have to discuss what I have seen and experienced. Know that my background as an advocate for the disabled is one reason I feel so strongly and want to see reform.
While most of the nation has national certification, my ... Views: 1338