The Knowledge Era – “We Didn’t Know that We Didn’t Know That!”
Since the late 1990s we have moved from the Information Era to the Knowledge Era. The differentiator for companies is now their ability to translate the collection of information from their workers into knowledge which can be ... Views: 1344
In today’s modern business world, I am consistently asked for new ways to motivate employees that will not cost the organization in additional expenses. While we all know that money talks, it is interesting to dig deeper and determine money is not always the answer when motivating your ... Views: 1966
“People with high levels of personal mastery cannot afford to choose between reason and intuition, or head and heart, any more than they would chose to walk on one leg or see with one eye.” – Peter Senge
Good meetings = good decisions, time well spent, and clear next steps. Bad meetings = ... Views: 1052
It was late one afternoon and I was on a conference call with an executive who had recently left his company. He was a good leader – competent, hardworking, with a solid track record. We were in the midst of completing a cultural analysis to determine the type of company culture for which he ... Views: 1175
Have you wondered about the demise of our quality of relationships within the workplace? For the purposes of this blog, I am going to stick to the workplace for this writing as the state of relationships outside the workplace is way over my head. There are lots of challenges within today’s ... Views: 953